The chapters of this book explore potential teaching strategies that enhance the understanding of the central place of values in mathematics as a subject, as well as in how it is used within society. The book includes examples of strategies for facilitating students’ meaningful engagement with, an...
FYI 這三個字母是 for your information 的縮寫 意思是 ”提供資料讓你參考”, 或是”讓你知道一下” 一般在公事上的信件往來常會看到它, 是因為對方一定是告訴了你一些事 或是提供了某種資料, 對收件者來說有資訊價值的東西, 才能說 for your information ...
FYI=For Your Information是供你参考的意思 在Email中常用,我们在邮件中经常会用FYI来把邮件转发给其他人或者用来把附件发给别人。FYI就是提醒对方“下面的邮件供您参考”或者是“附件内容供您参考”。但在我们公司,作为信件礼仪,和外部人员沟通时仅仅写个"FYI"一般是不推荐的。通常需要告诉对方需要采取...
(FYI: For Your Information) FYI is an acronym of "For Your Information". It is a widespread internet slang used these days in text messaging, instant messaging, and chatting on Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter. At the same time, it is also used in sharing information with colleagues or fri...
Music educators have been researching creativities for the better part of four decades. Fresh perspectives on the foci of research efforts are brought forward in this section of the book. Concept maps, silence, gratitude, spirituality, and more are held up to the light of better understanding ...
FYI=for your information所表达的意思也是相近的,就是表示“供你参考”的意思。 常常会出现在邮件当中,如果在协助同事工作的时候,只需要你提供一份文件,正文没有特别要写的,就可以附上:FYI. 还有一种表达方式与其相似: FYR=For Your Reference 供您参考的信息 ...
for your information 供你参考;顺便一提(通常 FYI 会用大写)FYI, VoiceTube is an incredibly informative website.顺便说一下,VoiceTube 是个有非常多信息的网站。rsvp please reply 请您回复 The conference meeting is set, rsvp by tonight.会议已经准备好了,请在今晚前回覆这封邮件。注意:...
Share on Facebook FYI Thesaurus Financial Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia FYI abbr. for your information American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company...
What does the abbreviation FYI stand for? Meaning: for your information. How to use FYI in a sentence.
I wanted to make a small batch, so I chose the recipe for Mocha Cupcakes from Cupcakes by Shelly Kaldunski (which, FYI, is a beautiful book) because it said it only made 12. Mocha Cupcakes 2008 I wanted to make a small batch, so I chose the recipe for Mocha Cupcakes from Cupcakes ...