What does the abbreviation FYI stand for? Meaning: for your information. How to use FYI in a sentence.
Friend 1: Cool, thanks for letting me know. Here’s an example ofFYIbeing used in a conversation between coworkers. Coworker 1:FYI, I checked the employee handbook yesterday and found out we get a bonus for referring new people to the hiring team. I’ve screenshotted that rule and att...
Here FYI is a complete list of Beatles tour dates. More nonpolitical fun Michael Tomasky 2010 Naeem Khan, who, FYI, is hands-down the best guest judge of the season so far because when he speaks actual sentences come out of his mouth that make useful constructive criticisms when strung to...
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Definition of FYI in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is FYI? Meaning of FYI as a finance term. What does FYI mean in finance?
Cc and bcc stand for "carbon copy" and "blind carbon copy," respectively. This meaning comes from the use of carbon paper, which was used to make copies of documents by pressing pigment onto an additional sheet of paper underneat...
Cc and bcc stand for "carbon copy" and "blind carbon copy," respectively. This meaning comes from the use of carbon paper, which was used to make copies of documents by pressing pigment onto an additional sheet of paper underneath. "Blind carbon copies" were copies that didn't let the ...
FYI “FYI — wanted to make sure Sup Horvath saw this. Let me know if you have any questions!” FromLos Angeles Times “FYI, this is incredibly irresponsible to be flying your drone for ‘epic’ shots near a working wildfire, not to mention a federal crime,” commented cinematographer ...
Cc and bcc stand for "carbon copy" and "blind carbon copy," respectively. This meaning comes from the use of carbon paper, which was used to make copies of documents by pressing pigment onto an additional sheet of paper underneat...
Cc and bcc stand for "carbon copy" and "blind carbon copy," respectively. This meaning comes from the use of carbon paper, which was used to make copies of documents by pressing pigment onto an additional sheet of paper underneath. "Blind carbon copies" were copies that didn't let the ...