1a. Therefore, the selected bands for FY-4A AGRI were band-6 (ATOA-6), band-9 (ATOA-9), band-13 (ATOA-13), and band-14 (ATOA-14). Using the same method, the selected bands for FY-4B AGRI were band-6 (BTOA-6), band-9 (BTOA-9), and band-15 (BTOA-15) (Supplementary ...
1 南京信息工程大学 FY-4B/AGRI植被指数产品生成软件研制 针对FY-4B/AGRI可见光、近红外通道,利用高精度辐射传输模式建立FY-4B/AGRI光学波段的大气订正方法,获取地表反射率数据;采用半经验核驱动模型建立FY-4B/AGRI数据的角度效应订正算法,减小太阳天顶角、卫星天顶角、相对方位角等角度对反射率的影响,提高FY-4B/AGR...
The hourly ground station observations of near-surface CO concentration are obtained from the China National Environmental Monitoring Center (CNEMC), which can be accessed on its official website (http://www.cnemc.cn/en/). FY-4A and FY-4B AGRI TOAR data can be obtained from the NSMC Sate...
项目名称:FY-4B/AGRI植被指数产品生成软件研制 采购方式:竞争性磋商 预算金额:35.000000 万元(人民币) 采购需求: 针对FY-4B/AGRI可见光、近红外通道,利用高精度辐射传输模式建立FY-4B/AGRI光学波段的大气订正方法,获取地表反射率数据;采用半经验核驱动模型建立FY-4B/AGRI数据的角度效应订正算法,减小太阳天顶角、卫星...
风云四号02星(FY-4B)载荷介绍之先进的静止轨道辐射成像仪 AGRI 576 0 22:32 App 风云四号02星(FY-4B)系统综述 304 0 11:02 App 风云四号02星(FY-4B) 定量和图像产品介绍 98 0 11:21 App 风云四号02星(FY-4B)载荷介绍之空间天气载荷 255 0 10:30 App 风云四号02星(FY-4B)载荷介绍之静止轨道快...
This paper conducts the first data quality assessment of operational SST products from the FY-4B/AGRI using quality-controlled measured SSTs from the in situ SST quality monitor dataset and foundation SSTs produced by the operational sea surface temperature and sea ice analysis (OSTIA) system from ...
⼆、读取FY4A-AGRI_N_DISK_1047E_L1-GEO-MULT_NOM数据集,其中有圆盘的⾏列号数据集,⽆值区域为-1/有值区域为对应的⾏列号,然后根据公式由⾏列号计算出对应的经纬度,⽣成经纬度数据集。步骤 1. ⽣成经纬度查找表数据集(法2)latitude longitude 2. 选定ROI区域,裁剪经纬度查找表和风云4A...
To evaluate the retrieval effect of the model, the GPM IMERG product is used as a reference, and the retrieval results are compared against those of the FY-4B/AGRI operational precipitation product. In addition, the retrieval results are analyzed according to different underlying surfaces....