The FY 2023 NDAA creates two new public-private talent exchange programs for acquisition professionals in DoD and the private sector. Section 831 creates a public-private talent exchange program for acquisition professionals, with an exchange of up to 250 members of the...
Research, Development, Test & Evaluation: $16,631,377,000 ($15,819,372,000 was requested) The amounts are roughly in line with what authorizers approved in theFY2023 NDAA. The approximately $1 billion for personnel wasn’t broken out in the NDAA, but the other three categories totaled $...
The FY 2023 NDAA creates two new public-private talent exchange programs for acquisition professionals in DoD and the private sector. Section 831 creates a public-private talent exchange program for acquisition professionals, with an exchange of up to 250 members of the acquisition wor...