Additional provision for wage revision at Rs.767 crores being made pending wage settlement with the unions. The amount for Q1FY10 includes Rs.629 crores on account of an increase in the estimated liability from Nov 2007 to March 2009, which will not recur in subsequent quarters. Pe...
反压高温蒸煮锅该设备适用于食品包装袋和相关薄膜等物品的蒸煮试验,也适用于食品科研单位作无菌包装试验的理想设备。 详细介绍 该设备适用于食品包装袋和相关薄膜等物品的蒸煮试验,也适用于食品科研单位作无菌包装试验的理想设备。 ≡ 商品介绍 ≡ 反压高温蒸煮锅是根据GB/T 10004-1998耐蒸煮复合膜、袋标准的要求而设...
Sonata Consolidated Q1 FY10 Net Profit at Rs. 17.76 CrFor further information, please contact : Swati SenguptaSonata Software LimitedAPS Trust Building,Bull Temple Road, N.R. Colony,Bangalore 560019, IndiaTel : 91 80 26610330swati.sengupta@sonata-software.comJuly...
After reviewing the company’s results for FY-2009, Ben Wang, CEO of Beyondsoft Co., Ltd., gave a satisfied look out the window at a typically smoggy Beijing skyline. A year that had begun with much uncertainty had ended with a doubling of profits and more than 10 percent increase in ...
9.FY:For Your Information (供参考)10.LMo:In My Opinion (依我所见,在我看来)11.ICYM:In Case You Missed It (以防你错过了)12.AKA:Also known As (又称,也称为)13.ATM:At The Moment (此刻,现在)14.ASAP:As Soon As Possible (越快越好,尽快)15.TYT:Take Your Time (别急,慢慢来)16.GT...
The government has pegged nominal GDP growth at 10 per cent for FY21 in the Budget presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman here on last Saturday. The Economic Survey 2019-20 presented on last Friday estimated economic growth in the range of 6 per cent to 6.5 per cent. The Reserve ...
radial forces areFx =Fy =300 N. It is seen that a period-2 response exists in the speed intervalω=9,220 rpm to 10,010 rpm. Stability analysis shows that the leading Floquet mult 当轴向预压是Fz =30 N和径向力areFx =Fy =300 N.时,图5描述叉路图为平衡的电动子系统以旋转的速度的变异...
央视网消息:北京时间4月24日,篮网今日坐镇主场迎来凯尔特人的挑战,绿军近期状态回暖近10场取得8场胜利,篮网则遭遇伤病近期胜负相当战绩平庸。经过较量最终篮网109-104险胜凯尔特人。 首节之争绿军反客为主依靠塔图姆的两记三分抢占先机,次节篮网替补暴走成为转折点,后半节绿军虽然进攻端有所回暖,但篮网状态更热,半场...
FY24Avanade, Inc. +3Avanade’s Microsoft 365 Copilot Value Framework helps clients identify key business drivers to define business case, ensuring it delivers maximum value in line with their strategic objectives. €1 Ponerse en contacto conmigo Copilot Agents ...
Chemistry and world food supplies : the new frontiers, CHEMRAWN II : invited papers presented at the International Conference on Chemistry and World Food Supplies, Manila, Philippines, 6-10 December 1982 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 21 作者: L Shemilt DOI: 10.1016/0278-6915(84)...