If a contract is three years in duration, with a start date of July 1, 2023, the anniversary dates would be July 1, 2024 and July 1, 2025. We label these anniversary dates as they are contractually committed. While this contract would be up for renewal on July 1, 2026, our ACV...
- EOL dates for Alpine, macOS, Mageia, OmniosCE, and Solaris 11 - Support for Solaris svcs (service manager) - Enumeration of Solaris services ### Changed - ACCT-9626 - Detect sysstat systemd unit - AUTH-9230 - Only fail if both SHA_CRYPT_MIN_ROUNDS and SHA_CRYPT_MAX_ROUNDS are undef...
The exposure of all the borrowings of the Group to interest rate changes and the contractual repricing dates as at March 31, 2020 and 2019 are as follows: 2020 US$'000 2019 US$'000 Within 1 year Over 1 to 3 years Over 3 to 5 years 3,294,980 1,564,619 - 4,859,599 1,953,043...
contractid, dates, etc?UPDATED: see comments. Changed some CTEs, JOINS and ORDER BY for better ...
Start date: Check-in selected.End date: Check-out Start date selected. Close the date picker or proceed to change the selected date. February 2025 SundaySMondayMTuesdayTWednesdayWThursdayTFridayFSaturdayS March 2025 SundaySMondayMTuesdayTWednesdayWThursdayTFridayFSaturdayS Done Check-out Select date...
Revised & Belated ITR Due Dates for AY 2024-25The due date for filing a revised and belated income tax return for AY 2024-25 is before three months before the end of the relevant assessment year or before the completion of the assessment, whichever is earlier i.e. 31st Dec 2024. Note...
H1B 2021 Season Start, End Dates The dates for FY 2021 season were slightly different from previous years as we had new H1B Registration system for FY 2021 season. We had two dates : One for the registration period and second for the actual filing of the complete H1B package. Let’s look...
quarter and FY 2025. To access the call, enter theToll Brotherswebsite, click on the Investor Relations page, and select “Events & Presentations.” Participants are encouraged to log on at least fifteen minutes prior to the start of the presentation to register and download any necessary ...
OS detection added for Guix System, macOS Ventura (13.x)/Sonoma (14.x), NXP LSDK, OpenEmbedded "nodistro", and The Yocto Projects distro "Poky" Updated Amazon Linux EOL dates and addition of Amazon Linux 2023 STATUS_NOT_ACTIVE variable added to translation files End-of-life dates updated...
and change _startOfFiscalYear to 4 and use it as a slicer. You need to connect it to your sales table by Date. Also, if you need to calculate Fiscal YTD just check this: https://allure-analytics.com/index.php/2022/05/24/time-intelligence-in-power-bi/ or simply: FiscalYTD = CALCUL...