us-gaap:NetIncomeLossNet income $22,291 $17,556 Earnings per share:Earnings per share: us-gaap:EarningsPerShareBasicBasic $3.00 $2.35 us-gaap:EarningsPerShareDilutedDiluted $2.99 $2.35 Weighted average shares outstanding:Weighted average shares outstanding: ...
Segment Revenue & Operating Income Comprehensive Income Statements (In millions) (Unaudited) Three Months Ended September 30, 20232022 us-gaap:NetIncomeLossNet income $22,291 $17,556 ElementNameOther comprehensive income (loss), net of tax: ...
would fall within the UTPR's scope. The Budget explicitly states, however, that the UTPR would not apply to income that is subject to an IIR that is consistent with the Pillar Two Model Rules, including income subject to GILTI; as such, the UTPR would generally not apply to US-parent...
Use ET Money's free online income tax calculator to compute your income taxes for FY 2024-25 and FY 2025-26 under both the new and old tax regimes.
3 Examples of appropriated entitlements include Medicaid and the Supplemental Security Income program. Most mandatory spending is not provided through the annual appropriations process, but rather through budget authority provided by the program’s authorizing statute (e.g., Social Security benefits ...
In the financial year 2023-24, which ended in March 2024, French video game producer Ubisoft reported a net income of 157.9 million euros, up from a net loss of close to 495 million euros in the previous year.
2024 年美国个税税档上调幅度为 5.4%,较上年 的7.4%有所回落,但这仍高于今年美国通胀水平,即居民仍享有一定税收优惠,这 体现在 CBO 预测 2024 年适用最低个人所得税率 10%的应税收入(taxable income)仍上升0.3个百分点至17.7%。 3)CBO 对 FY24 资本利得税收入的回升可能有所低估,但其对消费影响不大。
Income Tax: Definition, Types, Rates, Forms, and Rules Last Updated -- March 5th, 2023 Income tax is a type of direct tax levied on the working citizens by the Government of India. The Income Tax Act of 1961 grants the Central Government the authority to regulate and collect such tax,...
In the second quarter of the 2025 fiscal year, Microsoft generated approximately 16.8 billion U.S. dollars of operating income from productivity and business processes, an increase of over seven billion U.S. dollars compared to the same quarter in the previous year. ...
During FY23, Ezz Steel incurred an income tax of EGP 3.7 billion and a deferred tax (asset) of EGP 4.0 billion. Net profit/loss before Tax Net loss reached EGP 983 million FY23. Net profit after Tax Net result after tax and minority interestsrecorded alossof EGP 717 million for FY23....