CMS indicated in its final IPPS rule for 2023 that it would change its rule and correct its flawed GME calculations retroactively for open cost reporting periods.[15] Likewise, the agency announced a separate fix to the payment errors caused by its outpatient pr...
Transmission thresholds for dengue in terms of Aedes aegypti pupae per person with discussion of their utility in source reduction efforts###Dental manpow... The expense and ineffectiveness of drift-based insecticide aerosols to control dengue epidemics has led to suppression strategies based on elimin...
Final FY 2009 IPPS Rule Addresses Wage Index IssuesLeslie Demaree Goldsmith
According to the FY 2012 IPPS final rule (76 FR 51572 through 51574), the new technology must meet the following criteria, in order to be considered for this add-on payment: 1.It must be new 2.It must cost enough that the MS-DRG rate applicable would be inadequate 3.It must ...
FY 2017 IPPS Proposed Rule Results in Modest Increase for HospitalsFouts, Amy
CMS Issues Proposed Rule to Update FY 2016 IPPS, LTCH PPS Rates, PoliciesMcCurdy, Debra
Statement On Proposed FY2012 IPPS Rule
CMS Continues to Refine RHQDAPU Program in FY 2011 Proposed IPPS RuleKristin Cilento Carter
CMS Issues Final FY 2016 Medicare IPPS/LTCH RuleDaubert, Gail
CMS Continues Its Focus on Quality Initiatives with the FY 2016 IPPS Final RuleFouts, Amy