Appendix A provides a summary of budget enforcement activities for FY2024. This includes information on mandatory spending sequestration pursuant to the Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA; P.L. 112-25), discretionary spending budget enforcement under the Fiscal Responsibility Act spending limits (FRA; ...
The PHSA limits the set-aside to not less than 0.2% and not more than 1% of eligible program appropriations. However, LHHS appropriations acts have commonly established a higher Congressional Research Service 26 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education: FY2021 Appropriations maximum...
Selectboard’s Annual Goals for 2021-2022 – Status Report Liz – there is an excellent summary of goals and what we’ve done to date. Any comments or things to add. Not necessary to run down each item. If you have particular items or amendments to make. Anyone? Tim – it’s always...
$3.74-0.07 (-1.84%)4:00 PM 02/07/25 NASDAQ |$USD |Post-Market:$3.92+0.18 (+4.81%)6:00 PM SummaryRatingsFinancialsEarningsDividendsValuationGrowthProfitabilityMomentumPeersOptionsCharting Earnings SummaryEarnings Summary Earnings EstimatesEarnings Estimates ...
869.75 13 Item Investment gains and losses on disposal of subsidiaries and other business units Other non-operating income and expenditures except the items mentioned above Less: Impact of income tax Impact of the minority interests (after tax) Total Hikvision 2022 Annual Report...
plant and equipment Assets under construction Other intangible assets Other non-current assets Current assets Total assets Total equity Interest-bearing debt Interest-free liabilities Total equity and liabilities Income statement Turnover EBITDA Amortisation of: goodwill negative goodwill other intangible asse...
One that delivers sufficient income for farmers and their families and produces all the food and fibre we need within the limits of our natural environment. Done differently, we believe the sector can rise up and deliver all of this and more. Our purpose seeks three o...
And there are limits to how much we want to be able to invest in to improve the competitive position, and that's why we're having a strategic review of our Marine business right now. Just before Christmas, we completed on the acquisition of ITP. So this is a long-term joint venture ...
Statutory limits on discretionary spending are in effect for FY2017, as established by the Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA;P.L. 112-25) and modified most recently by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 (P.L. 114-74). The CR includes both budget authority that is subject to those limits...
As specified in Section 1905(b) of the Social Security Act, the per capita income amounts used in the FMAP formula are equal to the average of the three most recent calendar years of data available from the Department of Commerce. In its FY2013 FMAP calculations, HHS used state per capita...