FXSSI.Sentiment.Lite是FXSSI开发的一款能够直接在MT4/5客户端显示市场情绪数据的技术指标。安装这款市场情绪指标(FXSSI轻量版)后,用户可以看到分别代表多和空的直方图及相应的牛熊比例。这个比例值通常也叫做投机者情绪指数(Speculative Sentiment Index一SSI(BRAR))。
The Forex Sentiment tool is essential for traders who practice sentiment analysis. It provides data on the buyer-to-seller ratio for different currency pairs and gathers information from various sources. This tool not only reflects the collective mindset of traders but also provides actionable trading...
The Forex Sentiment tool is essential for traders who practice sentiment analysis. It provides data on the buyer-to-seller ratio for different currency pairs and gathers information from various sources. This tool not only reflects the collective mindset of traders but also provides actionable trading...
FXSSI customer FXSSI sentiment tools provide sufficient data to carry out an accurate and comprehensive market analysis. This resource is truly excellent. Looking forward to what guys will develop next. Vihan Chopra FXSSI customer立即试用情绪类技术指标 开始免费试用7天 无需信用卡 开始使用 產品...
Forex Sentiment - 總覽 FXSSI 流动比率工具已成为交易者的关键资源,提供对各类外汇经纪商以及 Myfxbook 和 FXBlue 等知名服务的交易头寸和情绪的实时洞察。 该工具不仅反映了交易者的集体心态,还提供了可操作的交易信号,使其成为新手和经验丰富的交易者不可或缺的资产。 功能和特性 FXSSI 流动比率工具的设计具有一...
Trade forex like the big boys apply market sentiment indicators, gain insight into market participants. See better market info, data than other traders
Such decisions should be based solely on your evaluation of your financial circumstances, investment objectives, and risk tolerance. You should not rely solely upon the information or opinions that you read on our Website. Do not start trading without independent investment advice that will verify ...
Get into market sentiment analysis with FXSSI MT4/MT5 indicators and web tools. Retail traders, sentiment provides you with valuable information that helps to improve trading results.
When analyzing the market sentiment, first of all, we need to understand: at what price levelsBuy and Sell tradesof retail traders are opened; whereStop Losses and Take Profitsof these trades are positioned; wherepending ordersare placed. ...
And that’s what these sentiment indicators are all about. Read this post 42 Oreoluwa Fakolujo April 20, 2023 Fibonacci Trading Strategy: Some Tips to Improve Your Trading Trading Tips Fibonacci tools are the most under-utilized tools in the trader’s arsenal. However, in this article, ...