The FX3U-4AD have been found to be compliant to the European standards in the aforesaid manual and directive. However, for the very best performance from what are in fact delicate measuring and controlled output device Mitsubishi Electric would like to make the following points; ...
FX3U-4AD-PT-ADP units made in June, 2005 or later comply with the EC Directive (EMC Directive) and UL standards (UL, cUL). Further information can be found in the following manual. → Refer to the FX3G Series Hardware Manual (Manual No. JY997D33401) ...
三菱FX3U 三菱-FX3U-4AD-ADP 用户 手册., This manual confers no industrial property rights or any rights of any other
三菱FX3U 三菱-FX3U-4AD-ADP 用户 手册., This manual confers no industrial property rights or any rights of any other
其他的扩展设备·选件产品(外形尺寸·端子排列) 335 18.1 特殊功能单元/模块335 18.1.1 FX0N-3A 335 18.1.2 FX2N-2AD 335 18.1.3 FX2N-2DA 336 18.1.4 FX3U-4AD 336 18.1.5 FX3U-4DA 337 18.1.6 FX2N-4AD 337 18.1.7 FX2N-4DA 338 18.1.8 FX2N-4AD-PT 338 18.1.9 FX2N-4AD-TC 339 18.1.10...
所制造的产品 FX3U-4AD-ADP FX3U-4DA-ADP - 请勿用做指定以外的用途。 元/模块的UL,cUL规格品如下所示。 FX3U-4AD-PT-ADP FX3U-4AD-TC-ADP 手册编号 JY997D17801 - 请正确连接电池。 UL,cUL文件编号 E95239 FX3U-232-BD FX3U-422-BD 副编号 H - 请勿对电池进行充电、拆卸、加热、投入火中、短路...
FX3U-4AD-PT-ADP FX3U-4AD-TC-ADP 手册编号 JY997D17801 - 请正确连接电池。 UL,cUL文件编号 E95239 FX3U-232-BD FX3U-422-BD 副编号 H - 请勿对电池进行充电、拆卸、加热、投入火中、短路、反 对应产品: 下列的MELSEC FX3U系列 FX3U-485-BD FX3U-CNV-BD 向连接、焊接、吞咽或焚烧,过度施压 (震动、...
FX3U系列微型可编程控制器 硬件手册
4通道模拟量输入特殊适配器的使用要领。 产品 △ FX3U-4AD-ADP用户手册 使用时,请参考FX3G ·FX3U ·FX3GC ·FX3UC系列用户手册[模拟 随附 量控制篇]。 4通道模拟量输入特殊功能模块的使用要领。 产品 △ FX3UC-4AD安装手册 使用时,请参考FX3G ·FX3U ·FX3GC ·FX3UC系列用户手册 随附 [模拟量控制篇]...
FX3U-4AD-ADP FX3U-4AD-ADP Cutler-Hammer Circuit Breaker FS360050A FS36OO5OA Cutler Hammer Industrial Circuit Breaker Frame LD 35KLD35KLD3600F3 Pole600A Cutler Hammer E57S Proximity Switch Series A1 Cutler Hammer E57S Proximity Switch Series A1 Cutler Hammer E57 Proximity Switch SAL18T111 Cutl...