Introducing the True Ballistic Chronograph – the ultimate tool for measuring and analyzing projectile performance. Our device uses advanced doppler radar technology to accurately measure the velocity of any type of projectile, from pistol rounds to rifle rounds. Plus, with its advanced trajectory calcul...
Fx瑞典弹道测速仪【FX True Ballistic Chronograph CE】可精确测量各种BC值、初速等数据。采用先进的雷达引擎技术,只需将设备放置于主机旁就可进行测量。无论雨天、雪天或烈日等极端恶劣天气,都能发挥出雷达引擎的优势,提供400-4000+fps范围的精准测量数据;适配G1/G7的模型参数,还能使用蓝牙连接应用程序观看数据详情和...
FX Radar 17+ EX Corporation Oy 专为iPad 设计 免费 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 Ballistic APP for FX Radar Chronographs Supported devices (FX Airguns and FX Outdoors) : FX True Ballistic Chronograph FX Pocket Chronograph FX Archery Chronograph FX Pocket Chronograph V2 Description for Pocket Chronograph:...
FX Radar 17+ EX Corporation Oy 专为iPad 设计 免费 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 Ballistic APP for FX Radar Chronographs Supported devices (FX Airguns and FX Outdoors) : FX True Ballistic Chronograph FX Pocket Chronograph FX Archery Chronograph FX Pocket Chronograph V2 Description for Pocket Chronograph:...
FX True Ballistic Chronograph FX Pocket Chronograph FX Archery Chronograph FX Pocket Chronograph V2 Description for Pocket Chronograph: Using the first ever pocket radar ballistic chronograph from FX Airguns of Sweden, this ballistic app enables the recording of data from 20 fps to 1100 fps. ...
FX True Ballistic Chronograph FX Pocket Chronograph FX Archery Chronograph FX Pocket Chronograph V2 Description for Pocket Chronograph: Using the first ever pocket radar ballistic chronograph from FX Airguns of Sweden, this ballistic app enables the recording of data from 20 fps to 1100 fps. ...
FX True Ballistic Chronograph FX Pocket Chronograph FX Archery Chronograph FX Pocket Chronograph V2 Description for Pocket Chronograph: Using the first ever pocket radar ballistic chronograph from FX Airguns of Sweden, this ballistic app enables the recording of data from 20 fps to 1100 fps. ...
FX True Ballistic Chronograph FX Pocket Chronograph FX Archery Chronograph FX Pocket Chronograph V2 Description for Pocket Chronograph: Using the first ever pocket radar ballistic chronograph from FX Airguns of Sweden, this ballistic app enables the recording of data from 20 fps to 1100 fps. Ever wa...
FX True Ballistic Chronograph FX Pocket Chronograph FX Archery Chronograph FX Pocket Chronograph V2 Description for Pocket Chronograph: Using the first ever pocket radar ballistic chronograph from FX Airguns of Sweden, this ballistic app enables the recording of data from 20 fps to 1100 fps. ...