Forget scouring music shops for effects pedals and playing with complicated pedal set-ups; Guitar FX BOX uses studio sound engineering technology to simplify the process. Simply plugging your guitar directly into the sound card of your PC gives you access to effects such as tremolo, pitch shifter...
安装Sound Blaster Audigy FX V2也不麻烦,基于它采用半高外形设计,配备可互换的半高或全高安装挡板,所以能灵活适应你的各类PC装备,即便是型号比较mini的小型台式机。具备高解析度播放能力以外,一款好声卡也不能少了构建环绕声系统功能。在这方面, Sound Blaster Audigy FX V2装备5个音频输出接口,支持5.1环绕!
近日,创新科技发布了Sound Blaster Audigy FX V2声卡,其采用PCIe接口,支持多种音频增强功能,成为入门级高音质PC声卡的新选择。音质是音频产品的灵魂,作为“声霸卡”系列的缔造者、知名音频大厂创新推出的声卡产品,Sound Blaster Audigy FX V2在音质上的表现相当出色。得益于扎实的硬件基础,Sound Blaster Audigy F...
Insurgency will not play any sound until you go to in-game audio settings and toggle the playback for example from 2 Speakers to Headphones and that somehow brings back the sound. In-game: Arma 3. No issue, but a problem when you need to use TS to get TFR working. ...
安装Sound Blaster Audigy FX V2也不麻烦,基于它采用半高外形设计,配备可互换的半高或全高安装挡板,所以能灵活适应你的各类PC装备,即便是型号比较mini的小型台式机。 具备高解析度播放能力以外,一款好声卡也不能少了构建环绕声系统功能。在这方面, Sound Blaster Audigy FX V2装备5个音频输出接口,支持5.1环绕!在连接...
值得留意的是,在外观设计上,Sound Blaster Audigy FX V2也相当紧凑,其为半高设计,配备半高、全高挡板,适配不同规格大小的主板与机箱,非常便于用户打造音效出色的迷你主机或HDPC。另外,声卡还具备子卡扩展功能,支持连接Sound Blaster Audigy FX V2 DBPro子卡,连接子卡后,用户即可享受DSD256播放、光纤输出端口和7.1环...
The PR3 Xtra lets SoundFX users download new Project sound files and even reflash the sound decoder's firmware for latest updates. It also acts as a computer interface and LocoNet Translator for your PC. The PR3 Xtra is the most economical computer Inte
Splice is the industry's highest quality, royalty-free sample library. Get access to millions of sounds made by top artists, labels, and sound designers.
PCIe规格,高音质环绕效果加持,配合声音增强、语音优化,新上市的创新Sound Blaster Audigy FX V2声卡可完美满足电脑用户音乐、观影、游戏等不同场景的需求,是提升PC音质、打造家庭影院的高性价比品质之选。如果你也对声音体验有所追求的话,那么Sound Blaster Audigy FX V2就是你打造高品质PC的性价比新选择。
Insurgency will not play any sound until you go to in-game audio settings and toggle the playback for example from 2 Speakers to Headphones and that somehow brings back the sound. In-game: Arma 3. No issue, but a problem when you need to use TS to get TFR working. ...