Siemens has played an active role in the development of the FX Global Code, and was one of the first corporates worldwide to endorse it. The purpose of the FX Global Code is to promote a robust, fair, liquid, open, and appropriately transparent market in which a diverse set of market ...
As the leading global financial market infrastructure within the FX ecosystem, we are committed to, and strongly support, the adoption of the FX Global Code by all market participants.
In 2017, The Global Foreign Exchange Committee ("GFXC") established the FX Global Code – a set of global principles of good practice which provide a common set of guidelines to promote the integrity and effective functioning of the wholesale foreign exchange market. Cboe is committed to conduct...
HSBC has signed an institution-wide Statement of Commitment to the FX Global Code ("the Code") which establishes a common set of guidelines to promote good practice in the Foreign Exchange market. HSBC has actively contributed to the evolution of the FX Global Code since its inception, with ...
Designed to address a trust deficit within and, more significantly, between it and society, the code enunciates key principles of expected behaviour with global application. While ostensibly voluntary and lacking explicit enforcement mechanisms, the foreign exchange (FX) Global Code has a number of ...
英国金融行为监管局(FCA)日前宣布,根据其规则识别计划,该机构承认遵守外汇全球准则(FX Global Code,FX)和英国货币市场准则(UK Money Markets Code,MM)。 汇讯周报丨CySEC牌照重启快速审核;ASIC批准AFCA新规;美国法院裁定ICO为证券;阿联酋批准ICO监管计划;吉利正式控股盛宝银行;盈透将在IEX上市 Su - 2018-9-17 09:...
Thanks to Matt Boge for his incredible assistance over my term as Chair, as well as Grigoria Christodoulou and the other members of the GFXC Secretariat. Tonight I will talk about the recently completed review and update of the FX Global Code. The update
The Global Code was developed by a partnership between central banks and market participants from 16 jurisdictions around the globe.
汇讯网获悉,全球化清算机构LCH承诺遵守FX Global Code(全球外汇市场行为准则)以及UK Money Markets Code(英国货币市场准则)。 另据报道,近日莫斯科交易所也宣布承诺遵守FX Global Code. ▍CFH Clearing成功整合PrimeXM的XCore技术 外汇流动性供应商CFH Clearing宣布整合PrimeXM位于伦敦及东京的XCore的技术,此举将有助于...
Rather than being a regulation, the FX Global Code aims to improve on the 6 fundamental principles underpinning global FX markets that transact an estimated $5 trillion a day globally, as illustrated below. Through these 6 ”pillars”, the FX Groups aim at making the FX market place more rob...