Florida residents who only saltwater fish from the land or a structure attached to land, may get the no-cost resident recreational saltwater shoreline fishing license. This license does NOT cover anyone fishing from a boat or from an island that they arrived at by boat. Individuals who hold a...
The permit is required for all shore-based shark anglers age 16 and older, including those 65 and older who are normally exempt from needing a fishing license. The permit is also required if you are 16 and older and plan to fish from shore for any species of fish and will be: ...
Cost Share Waterfowl Standby Hunts Hunt Guide Regulations Where Hunt Gear Safety Hunt Prep Duck ID Hunt Tips After Hunt Other Birds Conservation Military Hunts Wild Hog Submit Photos Quota License Recreational Visitors How to Order Florida Residency Do I Need One Free Fishing Disabled Veteran...
Recreational fishers age 16 and older (including those normally exempt from needing a license) are required to complete an online, no-cost recreational blue and stone crab trap registration before using blue or stone crab traps. To register, visit GoOutdoorsFlorida.com and add the Recreational Blu...