fw_setenv和fw_printenv共用一个文件,只是通过程序名来区分不同功能,所以我们在开发板创建一个fw_setenv的软连接就可以了。ln -s fw_printenv setenv 1配置得到fw_printenv和fw_setenv后还不能正常使用,还需要把tools/env/fw_env.config拷到板子/etc目录下...
产生fw_printenv在uboot\tools\env目录中,复制fw_printenv到rootfs 产生fw_setenv用ln -s fw_print...
1、fw_printenv/fw_setenv u-boot提供fw_printenv/fw_setenv 为Linux访问uboot环境编译。 在uboot端编译,在Linux端使用 2、测试环境 source /opt/fsl-imx-xwayland/4.14-sumo/environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux make envtools CC="$CC" Now, you will find the u-boot/tools/env/fw_printenv Note...
buildenv: $(V)( M A K E ) − C s r c H O S T C C = (MAKE) -C src HOSTCC=(MAKE)−CsrcHOSTCC=(TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX)-gcc env $(QOUT) $(ERRQOUT) $(V) cp src/tools/env/fw_printenv $(FSROOT)/usr/bin $(V) ( cd $(FSROOT)/usr/bin ; rm -f fw_setenv ; ln -s...
This call performs to writes to the U-boot environment AFTER it was initialized and read via initr_env of board_r.c file (I believe). One of the calls is to put the /dev/mmcblk2p2 as the rootFS partition independent of the values written to it previously via fw_setenv ...
This call performs to writes to the U-boot environment AFTER it was initialized and read via initr_env of board_r.c file (I believe). One of the calls is to put the /dev/mmcblk2p2 as the rootFS partition independent of the values written to it previously via fw_setenv ...
一、Uboot环境变量简介1.Uboot环境变量的作用在不改变源码、不用重新编译的情况下,可以使我们通过设置环境变量的值来改变uboot的一些设置,如bootdelay时间、机器码的值等等... resetUboot环境变量的设计逻辑是在启动过程中将env从静态存储器中读出放到RAM中,之后在uboot下对env的操作(如printenveditenvsetenv)都是...
I have been round and round with trying to get fw_setenv working but it never gets past the ioctl call with MEMERASE. However, fw_printenv is working fine. So I've come to the experts for help. root@module:/sbin#root@module:/sbin# fw_printenv csi_fs_devcsi_fs_dev=5root@module...
1、fw_printenv/fw_setenvu-boot提供fw_printenv/fw_setenv 为Linux访问ubow_prin linux #define Test 原创 wx638ef1cfb1448 2022-12-06 19:07:01 518阅读 3008IMR升级FW dos下刷新刷新方法(1)制作一张可引导到DOS下的U盘。把需要刷新的文件拷贝到根目录或者其他指定目录。(2)开机启动进入DOS系统下,执行...