Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems ((LNE,volume 375)) 1391 Accesses 3 Citations Abstract Fuzzy set theory is developed for solving problems in which descriptions of activities and observations are imprecise, vague, and uncertain. The term “fuzzy” refer...
Book TitleApplications of Fuzzy Sets Theory Book Subtitle7th International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, WILF 2007, Camogli, Italy, July 7-10, 2007, Proceedings EditorsFrancesco Masulli, Sushmita Mitra, Gabriella Pasi Series TitleLecture Notes in Computer Science ...
The last direction is the space of measurable functions and the space of (Sugeno)-integrable functions based on the theory of monotonic measures. In this paper, we also present several suggestions on future research. Wu Congxin was an undergraduate student of the Mathematics Department of ...
View PDFView articleGoogle Scholar [17] S.J. Chen, C.L. Hwang Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision-Making, Methods and Applications Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 375, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (1992) Google Scholar [18] S.M. Chen, L.W. Lee Fuzzy multiple attribute...
1. Introduction In conventional inventory models, uncertainties are treated as randomness and are handled by appealing to probability theory. However, in certain situations uncertainties are due to fuzziness and in these cases the fuzzy set theory, originally introduced by Zadeh 1 , is applicable. ...
Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 4529) Part of the book sub series: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) Included in the following conference series: IFSA: International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress Conference proceedings info: IFSA...
The notion of fuzzy sets (FS) was initially proposed by Zadeh [1] to deal with imprecise and vague situations where the membership MA(x) is assigned to each element [2, 3], and it is a generalization of the crisp set [4]. In crisp set theory, we consider only deterministic and prec...
View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [9] M. Kondo Algebraic approach to generalized rough sets Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 3641 (2005), pp. 132-140 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [10] T.Y. Lin, Q. Liu Rough approximate operators: axiomatic rough set theory W...
In the real world there are vaguely specified data values in many applications, such as sensor information. Fuzzy set theory has been proposed to handle such vagueness by generalizing the notion of membership in a set. Essentially, in a Fuzzy Set (FS) ea
Medina Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ((LNAI,volume 4772)) Included in the following conference series: International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management 335 Accesses Abstract This paper introduces an indexing technique for fuzzy numerical data which relies on ...