In this study, we propose a set of methods enhancing the Isolation Forest on a basis of Fuzzy C-Means. The results of numerical experiments carried using 27 various datasets and reported in this paper lead us to the conclusion that FCM can play a pivotal role in an enhancement of Isolation...
[44] proposed the fuzzy-set based IF, where the tree building process follows the same approach as the original IF, but the path length at a specific split is calculated based on the distance between the target sample and the centroid of the training samples assigned to that internal node....
FCM algorithm was set with a specific number of clusters (C) equating to 6, a small epsilon value of 0.00001 to control the termination criteria, and a maximum iteration limit set at 100. These settings were carefully chosen based on preliminary tests and literature recommendations, Table 4 ...
In this paper we propose a model of niche with dynamic character based on the €broad band€ effect in type-2 fuzzy sets. The niche in this definition is an interval in each ecological dimension which is dynamic in character and depends on the actual environment. We also give formulas for...
The procedures almost never overlap in the same set of alternatives. Due to the nature of conflicts and specific application areas, you will reject general solutions based on matching criteria. As node autonomy increases, the scalability of the solution is questioned. The sensor network's lifetime...
N. A random forest regression based space vector PWM inverter controller for the induction motor drive. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 64, 2689–2699 (2017). Google Scholar Tariq, M. F., Khan, A. Q., Abid, M. & Mustafa, G. Data-driven robust fault detection and isolation of three-...
Using the theories of fuzzy mathematics and urban ecology,a basic evaluation model of urban ecosystem is established and the evaluative index set was build.According to the latest 5 years statistic of Changsha city,the values of ecological environmental index are calculated,then the situation of ecol...
An inevitable aspect of modern petroleum exploration is the simultaneous consideration of large, complex, and disparate spatial data sets. In this context, the present article proposes the optimized fuzzy ELECTRE (OFE) approach based on combining the art
Four alternatives of heating system are taking into account: coal based, gas based, biomass based, and combined bio-mass and gas based systems. Alternatives are described by a criteria set. Values of the criteria are determined by simulation and according to the statistic. Fuzzy games are ...
Isolation Forest With Optimal Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Based Water Quality Prediction and Classification ModelWater Quality PredictionGISMachine LearningOutlier DetectionIn recent times, the water shortage problem in semi-arid regions has reached to a critical stage. Water quality level ...