The fuzzy modelling relation is introduced underlying the hierarchical system of world's linguistic models. This hierarchical system of models is based upon the hierarchical classification tree of model states and allows to make plans and decisions in AI systems. Three cases of modelling diagrams are...
Step 1: Generate the fuzzy direct- relation matrix To model the relationships among the n synergies, the first step is to create an n × n matrix. Each element in this matrix represents the influence of the synergy in each row on the synergy in each column and is expressed as a fu...
Matrix T is also sometimes referred as total relation matrix. “I” in Eq. (12) represents the identity matrix: $${\rm{T}}=\left({\rm{A}}+{{\rm{A}}}^{2}+\cdots +{{\rm{A}}}^{{\rm{k}}}\right)=\mathop{\sum }\limits_{{\rm{k}}=1}^{{{\infty }}}{{\rm{A}}}...
This paper proposed a new knowledge measure for AIFSs. The axiomatic definition of knowledge measure is extended to a more general level. The properties of the new developed knowledge measure are investigated through mathematical analysis and numerical examples. Further discussion on the relation ...
1 and is shown in the steps below. Fig. 1 The flowchart of the model. Full size image Construction of the CPM Previous research44 has shown that the CPM establishment procedure often fails to consider the interdependencies among experts’ preference information, particularly in relation to the ...
In Azure AI Search: Fuzzy query is van toepassing op hele termen. Zinnen worden niet rechtstreeks ondersteund, maar u kunt een fuzzy overeenkomst opgeven voor elke term van een meerdelige woordgroep via AND-constructies. Bijvoorbeeld: search=dr~ AND cleanin~. Deze queryexpressie vindt over...
To fill these gaps, the present study establishes a neoteric AI-base "Global Online Learning (GOL) theory" using the newly developed n- ary relation and n-ary fuzzy relation as the generalization of classical and binary fuzzy relations. Through the enhanced mathematical concepts and intelligent ...
As shown in Fig. 2, fuzzy sets are constituted by arrangements of membership functions (μ(Li)) that map the relation to the objects of a class with a grade of membership, which ranges between zero and one. Fig. 2 also presents an illustration of the fuzzy nature of the assessment of ...
Previous research44has shown that the CPM establishment procedure often fails to consider the interdependencies among experts’ preference information, particularly in relation to the IVFF setting. In such cases, the IVFF-WA operator based on the Choquet integral is used to construct the CPM. ...
For this, three parts are included in this phase: (1) web crawler technique-based Python software is used to crawl and preprocess online reviews on TAs; (2) Baidu AI platform is used to extract the aspects that the experienced tourists concern and calculate the sentiment orientation; (3) ...