table, or summary is printed and then it is acted on it in the sense of explaining the uncertainty of some proposition, you have a premises (the pictures, assumptions) probative toward some conclusion. The model is not a formal mathematical one, but a model it still is. ...
I published a book of letters about the first nine months of my lung cancer journey as a way to try and provide a personal perspective and hopefully inspiration to those who choose to read it. So far I have distributed approximately 2,300 copies through and its affiliates. Unrela...
Curative Tourism: Travel to countries with natural healing resources such as hot springs, salt lakes, mud baths, clean environment, and bright sunshine is included in the nature tourism. On this type of trip, skin, respiratory, rheumatology, and muscle patients travel to these areas for medical...
In summary, the charging ratio decreases along with higher SOC. For negative ∆SOC, charging is always preferred compared to positive ones. In this way it stores as much solar power as it can. Whereas, charging becomes conservative when ∆SOC is positive to prevent early fully charged and...