- Futuristic 分享5514 严肃记实张小花吧 严肃记实张小花 无音陨石坑2号 音乐相关 同步无题 分享292赞 minecraftpe吧 graykis酱 [PE MAP] Futuristic City – The Best City Of 2050楼主萌新一枚,去外网搬了个存档,已得作者许可,作者是Gerard Botse, 不知道有没有吧友发过,发过了就原谅我吧,别说我水帖呀,...
It goes with you, turns with you, stops with you. Cameras on every side help it map the world and avoid obstacles. Its two tires and large tipped-over-cylinder design mean it has zero turning radius, and can move like you do. "It can do little ballerina pirouettes!" Schnapp says ...