options 选择, 选择权Generally speaking, futures contract, not the commodity, is sold and bought in the futures market. 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品.Silver: quiet. Value fluctuate lower in line with other precious metals on both bullion and futures market. 银:清淡....
Futures and options, as rightly said, are thederivativesof equities as both derive their value from equities. These derivatives are popular due to multiple reasons, such as stable margin requirements, no time decay, more cost-efficient returns, and more. Though both futures and options allow inve...
记得大概十年前在苏格兰读书的时候,有一本选修课的名字叫《Options, Futures, and other Derivatives》(期权,期货和其他衍生品),但我们总是愿意戏谑的翻译为《选择,未来和其他可能性》,当时也年少无知,压根就不知道选择和未来到底有没有关系,有的话又是什么关系。现在工作接近10年之后,也终于对选择和未来之间的关...
实值期权(In-the-money Options):实值期权是指在当前市场价格条件下,如果立即行使,买方可以获利的...
记得大概十年前在苏格兰读书的时候,有一本选修课的名字叫《Options, Futures, and other Derivatives》(期权,期货和其他衍生品),但我们总是愿意戏谑的翻译为《选择,未来和其他可能性》,当时也年少无知,压根就不知道选择和未来到底有没有关系,有的话又是什么关系。现在工作接近10年之后,也终于对...
options=期权,根据合约,期=未来的,权=需要兑换的合约、权利,加起来即期权=需要在未来兑现的权利 反...
Options - 期权 - 选择 期权其实跟期货有一些相似,它们的区别是:现在作为签订协议的买家,我们可以在将来选择是否进行货品的交割。 继续拿刚才的例子来说,虽然现在和卖栗子的约定的是五块钱一斤的价格购买500斤栗子,但是如果在8个月之后,栗子的价格真的上涨到十块钱,那么当然我们可以行使相关的权利,也就是以五块钱...
An options contract gives an investor the right, but not the obligation, to buy (or sell) shares at a specified price at any time before the contract's expiration. By contrast, a futures contract requires a buyer to purchase the underlying security or commodity—and a seller to sell it—...
Types of Options: Call and Put Options There are only two kinds of options:Call optionsandput options. A call option confers the right to buy a stock at the strike price before the agreement expires. A put option gives the holder the right to sell a stock at a specific price. Let's ...