In this case, the producer may be tempted to liquidate the current position (the put option with the 75.00 strike price) and reenter the market by purchasing a put option near the current futures price at 82.00 cents per pound.Blake K. Bennett...
What Are Some Futures and Options Strategies? Many new commodity traders start with options contracts. The main attraction with options for many people is that you can’t lose more than your investment. Trading options can be a more conservative approach, especially if you use option spread st...
14. Futures Markets and Central Counterparties-5 - 遠期契約與期貨契約之比較、外匯報價 (recorded o 15. Hedging Strategies Using Futures-1 - 多單避險、空單避險、贊成與反對避險的理由 (recorded on 20190 16. Hedging Strategies Using Futures-2 - 基差與基差風險 (recorded on 20190125) 17. Hedging Stra...
016. Properties of Stock Options-5 - 買賣權平價定理 (recorded on 20181107) 26:57 017. Properties of Stock Options-6 - 美式權利 (recorded on 20181107) 14:57 018. Trading Strategies Involving Options-1 - 保本型商品 (recorded on 20181108) 21:54 019. Trading Strategies Involving Options-2 -...
chapter-1-fundamentals-of-futures-and-options-marketsppt课件 系统标签: futuresoptionsfundamentalschapterarbitragehedge 1 Introduction Derivatives - 2 TheNatureofDerivatives Aderivativeisaninstrumentwhosevalue dependsonthevaluesofothermore basicunderlyingvariables - 3 ExamplesofDerivatives •FuturesContracts •Forw...
futuresfundamentalsoptionsmarketsjohncopyright FundamentalsofFuturesandOptionsMarkets,7thEd,Ch1,Copyright©JohnC.Hull2010 Introduction Chapter1 1 FundamentalsofFuturesandOptionsMarkets,7thEd,Ch1,Copyright©JohnC.Hull2010 TheNatureofDerivatives Aderivativeisaninstrumentwhosevalue dependsonthevaluesofothermore basic...
where the former gives the holder the right to buy the asset at the strike price, and the latter gives the right to sell. Options are often used to hedge risks and add flexibility to investment strategies. For instance, an investor can purchase a put option to hedge against a ...
这是我十年内用过两次的教材。第二次学的时候用的第十版,越看越觉得写得清楚明白。比如每一个产品介绍后继续介绍strategies. 数学部分作者也用图示解释得很清楚。有不少business snapshot,比如为什么实际报告中用 geometric mean 而不用arithmatic mean 计算return.用语并不难,读翻译版反而增加了难度。虽然我早已用...
Traders have a variety of spread strategies on options and futures to hedge, speculate, or generate income. These strategies can be complex and require a solid understanding of the underlying market. Some common options spreads and strategies includebutterfly spreads, straddles and strangles, inter-...
Chapter 1-Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets Introduction Derivatives 1 TheNatureofDerivatives Aderivativeisaninstrumentwhosevaluedependsonthevaluesofothermorebasicunderlyingvariables 2 ExamplesofDerivatives •FuturesContracts•ForwardContracts•Swaps•Options 3 WaysDerivativesareUsed ...