Future Trunks (未来のトランクス), referred to in the series simply as Trunks, is the Saiyan and Human hybrid son of Vegeta and Bulma from the alternate future. By the time Present Trunks was born, the timeline had been altered by Future Trunks' and Cell's trips to the past. Therefore...
Future T is a 4-star ground type unit based on Future Trunks from the anime/manga Dragon Ball Z. He is only obtainable from the Hero Summon or Beginner Daily Rewards, and can evolve into Supa Future T. He can be evolved into Supa Future T using: Show/Hid
This article is about the Dragon Ball Super Saga. For the similarly named saga in Dragon Ball Z, see Trunks Saga. This article is about the third part of the Zeno Saga for Dragon Ball Super. For the whole saga, see Zeno Saga. The "Future" Trunks Saga (“
Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks Game Debut Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road Characteristics Race Namekian Height 226 cm (7'5") Weight 115.5 kg (255 lbs) Birth Date May 9,Age 753 Death Date(s) November 3, Age 762 ...
InWood International Magazine, Issue 55, Feb-Mar 2004 Timber Roof frame Aluminium Timber Windows Wood is a CO2 store One of the most important ecological advantages of the processing of wood into CLT is that a wide range of quality of tree trunks can be used, in turn...
The Future Warrior punches Nappa in the stomach The Future Warrior prepares a Kamehameha The Future Warrior fires a Special Beam Cannon The Future Warrior watching Goku and Vegeta Future Warrior, Guldo, and Krillin on Namek Future Warrior preparing to perform the Buster Cannon against Mira after do...