Simple Future Tense Examples of the Simple Future Tense "will" + [base form of the verb] Iwill playafter breakfast. Susanwill not goto Germany. What we achieve inwardlywill changeouter reality. (Greek biographer Plutarch) Always do your best. What you plant now, youwill harvestlater. (Author...
The simple future is a verb tense used to talk about an action or state that will begin and end in the future. It uses the auxiliary verb will and a main verb. How is the simple future tense formed? The formula for the simple future tense is will + [root form of main verb]. Do...
future tense Will Verb (base form)Examples:It will snow tomorrow.She won't win the election.Used for predictions Will Verb (base form)Examples:The concert will begin at 8 o'clock.When will the train leave?Used for scheduled events Will Verb (base form)Examples:Will you marry me?I'll ...
The future tense is used to express events that will take place in the future. It is a verb tense that is used to describe actions that will occur at a later time or after a certain point in the present. The future tense is usually formed with a helping verb and the main verb. The...
We make the Future Continuous tense in English with the auxiliary verbs WILL and BE. The structure is subject + WILL + BE + main verb -ING. We use the Future Continuous to express action at a particular moment in the future.
Exercises – Future Simple Tense Fill in the correct form of the verb with the future simple tense as in the examples. I'll drive you to your lesson at 4 pm. (drive) He won't work overtime anymore (not work) Sam ___ the documents over to you tomorrow. (bring) The managers ...
The simple future tense( be going to)We can use the pattern be + going to + a verb to talkabout future on the Moon.You/We/Theyare(not)going tobe back to the Earthnext week.He/She/ltis(not)Amtake photos on the Moon?Areyou/we/theygoing tobe back on Monday?Is...
What is afuture tense verb? Futuretense verbs, as their name suggests, tell us that an action or state will happen in the future. We can use future tense verbs to both refer to events that we know will happen and events that we think will happen. Depending on the sentence, you can ...
Theauxiliaryverbgoingtointheabovesentencesisusedintalkingabout___.A.predictionsorsimplestatementsoffactB.intentionsC.arrangementsD.scheduledevents B (Anintentionisaplanforthefuturethatyouhavealreadythoughtabout.)•Note:goingtoisoftenusedinthepasttensetotalkaboutanunfulfilledintention.Examples:•Iwasgoingtostudy...
"[T]he future tense has a different status from the other tenses. Rather than being a form of the verb, it is expressed by themodalauxiliarywill. It's no accident that the future shares itssyntaxwith words for necessity (must), possibility (can, may, might), and moral obligation (shoul...