Thefuturetenseof Spanish is probably the easiest conjugation pattern of all to learn. Not only is its use much as in English, but its formation isirregularfor far fewer verbs than with the other tenses and is the same for all three infinitive endings (-ar,-erand-ir). As you would expec...
Spanish Test 15 Multiple Choice 10個詞語 Mattm559 預覽 E-i 7個詞語 EvaManwiller2 預覽 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 用學習模式學習 é, ás, á, emos, x, án, you keep the verb ending in these 選擇正確的詞語 1 poder 2 querer 3 the same future tense endings are added to the en...
Esta nochevoyal cine. Tonight I’m going to the movies. Further in the future, use the future tense. El año que vieneiréa España. Next year I’m going to Spain. Regular verbs in the future tense are conjugated by adding the following endings to the infinitive form of the verb:-...
aprenderemos aprenderéis aprenderán PEDIR pediré pedirás pedirá pediremospediréispedirán TheFutureTense •Mañanacomenzaremoseltrabajo.•Tomorrowwewillbeginwork.•Elfuturoserámejor.•Thefuturewillbebetter.TheFutureTense •Theverbstener,poder,saber,andhacerhaveirregularstemsinthefuturetense: