Future Progressive Tense Examples of the Future Progressive Tense "will be" + [present participle] Iwill be playingfor an hour. Will I be spendingtoo much money if I buy the newer model? Hewill be fightinghis way to the boxing championship. ...
The future tense is the verb tense used to describe a future event or state of being. The four future tenses are the simple future tense, the future progressive tense, the future perfect tense, and the future perfect progressive tense.
What is the past tense of thrive? What is the past continuous tense of hurt? Is 'going to' future tense? What are all of the verb tenses in English? What is the past tense of drag? What is the past perfect tense of slip? What is the simple past tense of spread? What is the si...
This tense is formed by using will be or shall be with the verb form ending in ing (i.e. a present participle) or subject + shall/will be + present participle (i.e. the -ing form of the verb) e.g. China will be completing work on the Three Gorges Damn by the ye...
And as his fingers clawed at the empty space behind the chair, he waited tensely for Gillbret. The visi-sonor was just a queer knobbed object to the guards. It would mean nothing to them that Gillbret fingered and stroked the knobs gently. Biron watched the muzzle of the whip ...
The future tense with will, also simple future, is one way of talking about future events in the English language. We can use the simple future with will to express a spontaneous decision, a prediction or a future event that cannot be altered. It is formed with the auxiliary verb will an...
But this future does not speak of a future time, but ofprobability or assumption in present tense. It is very useful to know this use when someone asks us something and we don't know the answer. Instead of just answering “I don't know,” you can now use probability and make the di...
billowing behind him. The divisions between there and not-there, while at first tense and somewhat bitter, began to dissolve. We were united in our mission to report the truth. We pulled together in solidarity to deliver the news. The first headlines were perhaps overly flattering. Caped ...
26 A teacher handed out a pst of twenty "Future tense"sentences and asked students to discuss and find out the grammatical structures. What is the teacher's grammar teaching method A.Induction B.Presentation C.Consopdation D.Deduction 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目...
Le futur antérieur corresponds to the English future perfect tense. We use the futur antérieur to talk about a future action that will have happened by a certain time in the future. This tense also expresses predictions or suppositions about what may h