10,182]. Pose estimation is fundamental for automated fruit harvesting [56,139], so object detectors like SSD [137,145] or instance segmentation algorithms like Mask R-CNN [56,139] are often used
Stock market" data-vars-click-url="https://www.axios.com/economy-business/stock-market" data-vars-event-category="nav" data-vars-sub-category="Economy & Business" data-vars-index="2" data-vars-item="nav_link" href="https://www.axios.com/economy-business/stock-m...
The current accounting information system is completely ineffective at fraud detection and […] smart contract blockchain systems would be the right thing. It would make a lot of sense in the free market […] and create so much more efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability. (Informant Q, ...
28.2The existing stock of buildings and their energy use The transition to a low-carbon future “Built Environment” must begin with the status quo and the total decarbonization of our existing housing stock is a huge ask. Globally the “Built Environment” covers cities with huge population dens...
This view may, however, be affected in the near future by the outcome of several current debates on the issues of privacy in the cyber-world. The revelations of the former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden made in 2013 for ever changed the way in which the world ...
Vertical farming can produce food in a climate-resilient manner, potentially emitting zero pesticides and fertilizers, and with lower land and water use than conventional agriculture. Vertical farming systems (VFS) can meet daily consumer demands for nut
As 2017 comes to an end, the “perfect” stock market has been drilled into the minds of the American investor like none that has existed in the 121-year history of the Dow Jones Industrials. The chart below, developed by Deutsche Bank, is yet one more example of how 2017 has not onl...
To see where co-creation can work, businesses must identify whether their current market segmentation offers enough insight about customers’ values to engage them in the co-creation process. They should also consider which technologies could make it easier to obtain consumers’ input at different pa...
Sales growth last year was higher than the 29.4% average of the last nine years despite the challenging environment; SME stock market companies increased their aggregate EBITDA to 992 million euros, 30% more than a year ago. /jlne.ws/43rs2ZQ Cboe Global Markets to Present at Morgan Stanley...
CNN - TED Talk - Big bonuses do not mean big results Maybe money does not buy happiness after all Books we recommend In no particular order: First, Break All The Rules, by Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman Learning In Action, by David A. Garvin ...