From C to E to V-Learning: The Future of Learning and Collaboration Leadership 3.0: Innovation, Technology and the Future The Future of Work 2030 Talent, Leadership and the Future of Work Change as the New Normal in the VUCA WorldDIVERSITY...
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The world of work is changing. Artificial intelligence and automation will make this shift as significant as the mechanization in prior generations of agriculture and manufacturing. While some jobs will be lost, and many others created, almost all will change. The COVID-19 crisis accelerated existi...
McKinsey Global Institute PartnerNew Jersey Leads global research focused on sustainable and inclusive growth; labor markets, human capital, and the future of work; technology’s... Learn more about People & Organizational Performance Learn more ...
Future Work InstituteHome About Us Diversity & Inclusion Future Trends Cultural Competency Contact UsClick below to help your organization make a... Seeing Diversity & Inclusion as a Business Strategy Feeling the Power of Diversity & Inclusion and the Impact of Exclusion Leveraging Diversity...
According to the McKinsey Global Institute, the pandemic forced companies and consumers to behave differently, and these new behaviors are likely to form the future of work: Remote work and virtual meetings are likely to continue, lessening the need for business travel, although with less intensity...
Over 25 years consulting global organizations on organizational development experience. Our change and innovation workshops are...
The goal of this virtual symposium on The New Future of Work was to provide an open forum to explore where we have come from and to suggest where we should go. It was a venue to share timely and novel research on currently disrupted or evolving work practices, to reflect on how past ...
As we envision the workplace of the future, we know that employers will continue to deal with labor shortages, low engagement, and real and quiet quitting, on top of the pressure they already feel regarding escalating technology (for example, generative AI), innovation, and environmental, societ...
The Future of Work 2023 Report Scroll Talent retention is critical in today's market –and companies that increased their retention over the past three years were almost a fifth more likely to grow revenue. Amidst increasing disruption and continuous innovation, talent is becoming a key differen...