3 November 2015. http://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R44022.pdf. Accessed 6 March 2016.KRUGER, L.G. The Future of Internet Governance: Should the United States Relinquish Its Authority over ICANN? Congressional Research Service. Disponivel em: . Acesso em: 20 dez. 2016. ...
The article presents proposed Internet governance principles and framework for the Internet Governance Ecosystem from the Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance (NETmundial) that was held in São Paulo, Brazil in April 2014. Topics include the protection of human rights ...
Modern ICT heavily impacts and shapes governance activities in order to provide policy-makers with precise, trustful and up-to-date information on the field of their interest in a more efficient and effective way. Internet evolution in the last few years has shown that the concept of ...
At NordVPN, we support freedom of speech online and believe that the internet should maintain one of its fundamental objectives to empower every individual connected to it. Of course, some regulations are necessary, but some countries tend to create overly intrusive laws that restrict freedom of ...
Undeniably, the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem keeps on advancing at a fast speed, far above all predictions for growth and ubiquity. From sensor to cloud, this massive network continues to break technical limits in a variety of ways, and wireless se
Over the next three weeks, the ITU meeting in Busan, South Korea will discuss a wide variety of Internet governance topics including the Internet of Things, online security and online surveillance issues. On Monday, the ITU decided to give the public access to all the input and output...
2013 marks the tenth anniversary of the United Nations' World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). Although neither a forum focussed exclusively on "Internet governance" nor the first discussion of the topic, WSIS marked the start of a global, decade-long debate on how the Internet is, ...
Those perspectives -- individually and in combination -- are critical for the DoD to carry out its larger mission: assuring the security and stability of the Internet as part of its defense of U.S. national security. The following questions are integral to an Internet Governance and Security ...
Getting global cooperation right on internet governance: strategic roadmaps for the future https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6354-7068mweisman@fiu.eduMiriam F. Weismann
As the world's largest developing country and the country with the largest number of internet users, China "understands the underlying trends of the information age; upholds a people-centered approach; and supports global governance based on extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefi...