Wow, compared with the pre‐2008 predictions of $20 per million Btu prices, increasing imports, and decreased availability, it was as if the sun had come up.doi:10.1002/gas.22163Richard G. SmeadNatural Gas & Electricity
Tens of thousands of species are threatened with extinction as a result of human activities. Here we explore how the extinction risks of terrestrial mammals and birds might change in the next 50 years. Future population growth and economic development ar
The relationship between the supply and demand of hydrogen plays a role in determining its pricing dynamics. With the rising awareness of its advantages and its expanding use in sectors like transportation and industrial processes as well as power generation the prices could see an initial increase ...
However, large uncertainties exist in the local (particularly the areas of land use change) outcomes of the predicted LST as a result of these methodologies’ propensity to neglect the impact of land use change effects on LST predictions. Consequently, it is necessary to develop new LST ...
Predictions for the superorganism We can’t precisely predict the future, but we can increasingly be confident of what won’t happen. Given the biological and social underpinnings of growth and kicking the can described above, we can hypothesize what scenarios are unlikely: To avoid paying the ...
Future generations could be pving well into their second century andstill doing Sudoku, if pfe expectancy predictions are true. Increasing by two years every decade,they show no signs of flattening out. Average pfespan worldwide is already double what it was 200years ago. Since the 1980s, ...
parameter is set randomly in the Monte Carlo simulation rather than derived through a general equilibrium model. The results should therefore be interpreted with caution as indicating potential future climate change risks to the existing economy rather than as quantitative predictions, given that the ...
Shale oil in Northern America has been dismissed as unworkable and unprofitable ever since it started influencing global prices. Predictions of collapse have only grown more intense with rising production. But if you didn't predict the coming of shale oil in NA, what makes you think you can ...
Farms with greatest financial margins also had lowest greenhouse gas (GHG) output per liter of milk leaving the farm. Most milk is valued as a commodity, including situations where household farmers sell surplus milk on local spot markets. As a commodity, prices paid to farmers for milk change...
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