FBLA 北美高中生商科竞赛 Future Business Leaders of America 始创于 1937 年,由哥 大教授发起,美国教育部官方资助,美国国会法定教育项目,美国中学校长联合会推荐,是美国 加州大学的主流商科活动,也是商科和经济学的首选竞赛活动,组织历史与教学累计 77 年,每 年参赛 25 万名学生,每年参赛学校有 5000 多所,是世...
FBLA(Future Business Leaders of America)是美国教育部及职业教育发展协会官方认证的全球最大的商科教育组织之一,旨在帮助学生连接真实的商业世界,培养全球未来商业领袖。FBLA 被美国中学校长协会( National Association of Secondary School Principals)列为中学生校长推荐参与的商科活动,并得到超过 100 家知名企业和大学的...
【项目简介】FBLA是美国未来商业领袖的高中部门- phi Beta Lambda, Inc。FBLA帮助高中生通过学术竞赛(FBLA竞赛活动)、领导力发展和教育项目为商业生涯做准备。 FBLA的国家奖励计划,也被称为竞赛活动,让您的学生有机会在超过60个学术活动中与最优秀的人竞争,这些学术活动涵盖技术、公共演讲、商业、金融、管理等。最高...
1. 美国未来商业领袖 在像“美国未来商业领袖”(Future Business Leaders of America)这样的高中俱乐部里,初露头角的佼佼者们用虚拟货币投资股市 … cn.nytimes.com|基于87个网页 2. 美国未来商业领袖协会 ...就组织 (Junior Achievement)、美国未来商业领袖协会(Future Business Leaders Of America) 和 National Me...
FBLA(Future Business Leaders of America)未来商业领袖挑战是美国教育部及生涯规划教育协会(CTSO)官方认证的全球最大的商科教育组织,旨在帮助学生连接真实的商业世界,培养全球未来商业领袖。FBLA被美国中学校长协会(National Association of Secondary School Principals)列为中学生校长推荐参与的商科活动,并得到超过100家知名...
I was so pleased with my first purchase of the blousette, I ordered a second one. Both are fabulous for Florida weather and easy to dress up or down. Order without hesitation -- this team will take great care of your order! C.R. Beautiful dress I love this dress and will wear it...
Free Essay: I was given the oppertuinty to be a part of Bank of America’s Future leaders Program. As a leader I was able to develop a solid training model...
The Guanghua School of Management founded the "Future Leaders" International Undergraduate Double-Degree Program in partnership with 15 of the world's best business schools, giving students the opportunity to gain an understanding of...
Everyone is so friendly, and I'm glad to have made new friends. As someone who has never lived away from North America, it's relieving to know everyone around the world is not so different after all. PKU Guanghua "Future Leaders" Program The Guanghua School of Management founded the "...