professional Go players of recent decades, was defeated by a rookie in front of 80 million spectators. While Sedol slumped in his chair, defeated and resigned, his opponent remained silent. How had experts, reporters, and even Sedol himself been so wrong in their predictions leading up to the...
The future of blockchain is bright. Currently, public interest has waned significantly, but many privacy-conscious users remain concerned withbitcointo protect their financial autonomy and to anonymize profits. Many rumors and predictions that the blockchain will skyrocket the price ofcryptocurrencieshave...
Undeniably, the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem keeps on advancing at a fast speed, far above all predictions for growth and ubiquity. From sensor to cloud, this massive network continues to break technical limits in a variety of ways, and wireless se
The future of cars is here, bringing automotive industry trends of electrification, autonomous vehicles, AI, IoT, machine learning, and sustainability.
Thus, at present, there are few if any population-projection methods capable simultaneously of (a) operating on global scales, (b) furnishing predictions for individual cities, (c) guaranteeing a realistic distribution of urban populations and successfully reproducing historical data as validation, and...
Preliminary predictions of salt marsh losses by the end of 2100 in the Venice Lagoon are given based on sediment availability up to twice the present accretion rate. However, under SLR rates much higher than present rates, we claim the need for a comprehensive morphodynamic-geomechanical model to...
Particularly in missense variants, causality ascertainment is challenging [27], with an accuracy of about 80%, despite the improvement in the in silico pathogenicity predictions tools [78]. In Rauch et al. [27] work, twoNAA10variants were classified as pathogenic based on the expected protein ...
[136,137] it is found that that increasing the current area of GI in Greater Manchester, UK by 10 % (in areas with little or no green cover) would result in a cooling by up to 2.5oC under the high emissions scenarios based on UKCP02 predictions. The potential benefits of increased ...
L1, or CTLA-4 treatment.261From the above research process, it can be seen that different biomarkers vary with cancer type and checkpoint target. Multiple combinations of predictions may be more accurate and need to be confirmed in larger clinical studies. In general, the development of ...
(along with person-level demographic data), our machine-learning models predicted the occurrence of drug craving or stress 90 min into the future with excellent overall accuracy—as high as 0.93 by the end of 16 weeks—but this high overall accuracy was driven mostly by correct predictions ...