Defence iQ are delighted to announce the return of the esteemedFuture Indirect Fires Eastern Europe conference(In partnership with theSlovak Armed Forces)taking place on the29 - 30 November 2023inHotel Elizabeth, Trenčín, Slovakia.This event will have an additional site visit (by i...
Sign In FUTURE INDIRECT FIRES EASTERN EUROPE AND ARMOURED VEHICLES EASTERN EUROPE COME TOGETHER Register Now! As NATO’s land forces face the threat of majorland warfare in Europe, land forces and land manoeuvre capabilities,including heavy armoured formations, are poised to be a dominant feature ...
Future Mortar Systems –the world’s only dedicated mortars systems conference for the close fires community – returns for its 12th annual iteration from 29 - 30 October 2024 at the Copthorne Tara Hotel, London. Join us to hear: Hear from nations with mortar system capability gaps to underst...
Firefighters are usually asked to wear a set of fire-fighting tools and equipment weighing about 20 kg, they walk inside smoky environments using insulating breathing apparatuses, they control high-performance hoses when extinguishing fires, overcoming the significant reactive forces of the formed fire...
2 personnes intéressées. Noté 5.0 par 1 personne. Découvrez qui participe ✭ expose ✭ parle ✭ programme et ordre du jour ✭ critiques ✭ timing ✭ prix des billets d'entrée. L'édition 2025 de la conférence Future Indirect Fires se ti
Какбывыхотелипринятьучастиевэтоммероприятии? посетитель экспонент Динамик Подписчики[ Пользователи, проявившиеинтерескэтомусобытию ]Присо...