Commodity future trading is permitted is presently permitted in 41 commodities in India.Home : Finance : Encyclopedia : Futures TradingSearch Futures TradingFutures trading is an agreement between a buyer and a seller obligating the seller to deliver a specified asset of specified quality and ...
In India, the BSE Sensex and S&P Nifty are the popular indices on future trading. The everyday price changes will occur on stock index futures. Some natural calamities such as weather, war, Debt, refugee displacement and land reclamation will affect the index prices. So, this study attempt ...
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The commodity trading industry has enjoyed an upward trend over the past five years. While all industries go through multiyear cycles of peaks and troughs, the industry’s prospects look excellent for the years ahead.Indeed, commodity trading is on the cusp of the next normal. The energy ...
India's shipping and logistics sector is aligning with domestic and global regulations on sustainable practices as well. The sector is taking steps to conform with leading global benchmarks such as Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index, Carbon Intensity Rating, and Emissions Trading System. This arti...
In this episode of Options Discovery, Alex Teng talks about how an option’s intrinsic and extrinsic values change over time as well as the decay of time value due to theta. Alex also speaks with author, former trader, trading mentor, and business media personality Dan Passarelli, to ask qu...
India and the EU are major trading partners and are engaged in a strategic Joint Action Plan with annual summit level talks. This, coupled with the fact that both sides are on the cusp of a new beginning through the soon to be concluded India–EU Trade and Investment Agreement, poses an ...
· Vinith Kumar Nair2 · P. K. Viswanathan2 · P. Manoj3 · Raghu Raman2 Received: 27 August 2024 / Accepted: 17 December 2024 © The Author(s) 2024 OPEN Abstract The clean cooking challenge in India is deeply intertwined with socioeconomic, cultural, and ...
In the previous chapter, we examined the limits of urban micro-interventions from a Jacobsian Market Urbanist framework. Here we use that framework to address a different but related set of questions: To what extent is it feasible to consciously plan for
Trading volumes in SSFs can be volatile. For example, while the global trading volume for single-stock futures rose 42% in 2021 from 2020, a year later, it had fallen 15%.Borsa Istanbul in Turkey, the Korea Exchange, and the National Stock Exchange of India (NSEI) usually lead in world...