Finir Conjugation 7個詞語 penser que/qu' (to think that) 老師9個詞語 Ma Routine du Soir 老師40個詞語 venir stuff 38個詞語 Subjonctif 14個詞語 Passee Composee 28個詞語 French Verb Set 9個詞語 Le passé composé 30個詞語 這個學習集的練習題 ...
You can see with each of these three verbs how the base is the same for each conjugation and only the ending changes according to the subject. This is all there is to the tense, as far as the regular classes of verbs go. As usual with verb tenses, however, there are some irregular ...
French conjugation 24個詞語 mae06901 預覽 French Future irregulars 18個詞語 sgovonireyes 預覽 FR3 - Futur Simple / Conditionnel ( les verbes irréguliers) 11個詞語 abbie7726 預覽 French 2 Semester Exam (Speaking) 10個詞語 GraceUlrey 預覽 Français II Intermediat 34個詞語 Michael_Roberson45 預覽...
Irregular Futur Simple 17個詞語 Landon1957預覽 Chemins 1 Roman-Photo Unité Préliminaire 老師14個詞語 Syonke預覽 French Conjuagation 32個詞語 dreabbs24預覽 French III H: Test 3 (être/avoir) 59個詞語 juliannaburunat預覽 Conjugation of Prendre 7個詞語 Morgan_Durant8預覽 Révision des verbes irr...