A complete walkthrough and strategy guide of Futaba Palace in Persona 5. This includes a list of characters, obtainable items, equipment, enemies, infiltration guides, and a boss strategy guide for Cognitive Wakaba. Persona 5 Palace Guides Guide for Futaba Palace in Persona 5 Start:Tuesday, July...
Futaba Sakura is the Navigator of the Phantom Thieves from Persona 5. She is different from the main crew of the Phantom Thieves, as prior to Persona 5 Strikers, she was a shut-in who does not attend school and rarely, if ever, leaves her house. Persona
Futaba's Confidant focuses on helping her acclimate to social life afterher life as a shut-in. She'll need your gentle encouragement to pick her up when she struggles. Give her affirmation when she pulls off a difficult task, even if it isn't graceful. Futaba will respond to tough love....