Futaba2PL-2.4G使用手册说明书用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 2PL-2.4G 2-channel, FHSS Radio control system for Car INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1M23N12413 R Digital Proportional R/C System Thank you for purchasing a Futaba FHSS 2PL 2.4GHz system. This system is based on the combination of...
RADIOCONTROL NewATTACKSYSTEM NewATTACK-RSYSTEM NewATTACK-BFR&ASPSYSTEM •TheNEWATTACK,NEWATTACK-Risahighperformance2channeldigitalproportionalR/CsetbasedontheacclaimedATTACKandhasabuilt-inBEC(BatteryEliminatorCircuitry)system SincethepowerreceiverandservopowerissuppliedfromtherunningNicdbattery,thereisnotroublesomewi...
•Since the range of the radio waves will become short when the pointer of the level meter deflects to the red zone, re- place the batteries when the pointer only deflects to the boundary between the green and red zones. •The trim lever is used to fine adjust each channel. Use ...
Futaba TM14-2.4G R6014FS R608FS 遥控器使用说明书
RADIO CONTROL D60656 ATTACK-SPORT SYSTEM FP-2NCS/2NCR •The ATTACK-SPORT is a high performance 2 channel digital proportional R/C set based on the acclaimed ATTACK and has a built-in BEC (Battery Eliminator Circuitry) system.Since the power receiver and servo power is supplied from the ...
10CAP/10CHP/10CP10-CHANNEL RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM INSTRUCTION MANUALTechnical updates and additional programming examples available at: http://www.futaba-rc.com/faqEntire Contents ©Copyright 20081M23N21003
Futaba 8FG 使用手册说明书.pdf,Futaba8FG使用手册说明书用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册8FG 8 CHANNEL RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM FASST-2.4GHz Multi-ch/7-ch mode selectable INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1M23N22201 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 4 RACEIVER AND SERVO
内容提示: FUTABA○R 8FG SUPER 14-CHANNEL RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM FASST-2. 4GHz Multi-ch/7-ch mode selectable INSTRUCTION MANUAL C€0682® 文档格式:PDF | 页数:135 | 浏览次数:222 | 上传日期:2015-04-06 00:10:57 | 文档星级: FUTABA○R 8FG SUPER 14-CHANNEL RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM FASST-2....
Futaba 2PEKA 说明书 1M23N06101I NSTRUCTION M ANUAL For Car's And Boat's 2 Channel Digital Proportional R/C System 2PEKA