If you want to work with existing TL OBJ or three MF design files in fusion 360 00:09 you first need to insert them as mesh bodies in 00:12 the design workspace or open or upload the files directly. 00:17 Lets explore the different options to import a mesh body. ...
問題: Fusion 360でメッシュを挿入する場合、[挿入]メニューにはメッシュを挿入するためのオプションはありません。 解決策: ほとんどの場合、これはFusionがパラメトリックモデリング環境(タイムラインが有効)にあり、メッシュを挿入および操作するためにダイレクトモデリ
问题: 如何在 Fusion 设计中插入和处理网格文件(STL 或 OBJ 文件格式)。 解决方案: 尽管网格文件可以通过云转换过程上传到 Fusion 数据面板,但也可以选择通过执行以下操作将网格实体直接插入到文件中: 若要将网格实体插入到现有设计中,请使用“模型>插入”菜单中的“
问题: 尝试在Fusion 360中插入网格时,“插入”菜单中没有适用于该网格的选项。 解决方案: 大多数情况下,这是因为Fusion处于参数化建模环境(启用时间轴)中,需要处于直接建模环境(禁用时间轴)中才能插入和处理网格。有几种方法可以实现此目的: 在浏览器树中的顶级零
Problem with mesh work area in FUsion 360 hi, I would like to modify a STL file. I imported it in Fusion 360 but when I click on "modify" the program tells me to activate the mesh work area in "preferences". But when I click in mesh work area, even if the check appears in th...
With Fusion 360 you can not only create parts or assemblies, but also perform simulations and animations, as well as programming for a CNC machine. The main focus of this course is on design with Fusion 360, i.e. the CAD/Design section of the program. But don’t worry, the other ...
How to convert an STL mesh to a Solid in Fusion 360 Fusion 360 is very popular among hobbyist and students who enjoy 3D printing. If you’re wondering how to turn an STL file into a solid body, then you’re in the right place. Before we get started with
I’ve used the code similar to that below in a few programs I’ve posted previously. The calculateTightBoundingBox function takes in a body and optional tolerance and returns the tight fitting bounding box. If no tolerance is provided, the existing display mesh is used. There can be more ...
Slicer for Fusion 360 "Mesh could not be imported" Anonymous Not applicable 03-26-2018 01:16 PM Greetings! the problem of importing files. If you import any (.stl or obj) file, an error occurs - "Mesh could not be imported". This happens on my two pc...
Select the body to output. Set the mesh controls and specify the print utility to output to. a Align - Moves an object (component, body, sketch, work geometry) by aligning geometry selected from the object with geometry selected elsewhere. Geometry can be a point, line, plane, circle, or...