将光标悬停在浏览器树的“文档设置”下拉列表中的“单位”上。 单击“Change Active Units”图标。 使用显示的对话框将单位更改为所需的单位,然后选择“确定”。 在快捷方式中更改单位: 在键盘上键入“S”以打开快捷菜单。 键入更改激活单位“,然后选择显示的选项。 使用显示的对话框将单位更改为所需的单位,然后选...
[ドキュメント設定]のブラウザツリーで[単位]にカーソルを合わせます。 ブラウザ ツリーの[単位]の右側に表示される[アクティブな単位を変更]ボタンをクリックします 単位を目的の単位に変更します。 関連項目:Fusion 360で単位を変更する...
PRT文件的尺寸正确,但在Fusion 360中,单位以英寸(而不是毫米)显示。 原因: PRT文件为旧版本(2003 -2004)。 解决方案: 转到Fusion树中的“文档设置”。 将活动单位更改为毫米。 转到“修改”选项卡。 选择“缩放”。 在...
20. Rendering in Fusion 360 5:18 21. Animating in Fusion 360 5:00 22. Introduction to FEM Simulation and simulation of a simple single part 10:53 23. FEM simulation of an assembly 7:11 24. Manufacturing (CAM) in Fusion 360 8:29 25. Drawing in Fusion 360 & Credits 6:4...
The default modeling orientation is Z up. To change it, select Y up, click OK, and restart Fusion. The ViewCube then indicates the new default modeling orientation by showing the Y up. Default Units: Set the default units for the design, Manufacture and Simulation environments.Graphics...
UCLA. I also have an MBA from the University of La Verne. I have been working in the CAD industry for 15 years as well as some time spent as a design engineer. \n \nMy responsibilities here at Autodesk are to grow the community of partners that are engaged with Fusion 360. ...
SetupChangeEventType SetupSheetFormats SetupStockModes ShellTypes SideTypes SilhouetteSplitOperations SketchCurveConstructionStates SketchLineCenterlineStates SplineDegrees SplitFaceSplitTypes SplitSupportTypes StatusMessageTypes SurfaceContinuityTypes SurfaceExtendAlignment SurfaceExtendTypes SurfaceProjectTypes SurfaceTypes...
MapBoards is a utility to arrange the cut layout and a lite version of DXF output for laser, CNC cutting, and conventional woodworking projects using Autodesk® Fusion®.
In the Browser, click Change Active units and select Inch. Click Setup to define the stock size and orientation. Click Stock Point, then select the upper right stock point to move the triad. Click the HEAD of the blue arrow to flip it up. Verify that the blue arrow (Z-axis) is point...
Change active units Brian Stewart | 一月18, 2017 验证的下载 (这是什么?) Be nice to select either metric or inch for the units. Or have it use the default units for each design. Not everyone uses metric. 回复 Exactly what I was looking for! Box Jockey | 十二月 06, 2016 验证的下...