The nodes appeared automatically after I projected them? projecting was the only way to get the connection lines onto the curved surfaces? I noticed that a simple projected circle closely matches the spline (well within any possible manufacturing tolerance). The 'bitten off' curve...
问题: 如何在Autodesk Fusion中修剪实体。 解决方案: 在实体之间修剪/分割 若要使用其他实体修剪/分割实体,请执行以下操作: 从“实体”菜单中,选择“修改”>“分割实体”。 选择要分割的实体。 选择“实体”以用作分割工具。 选择“确定”以创建分割。 注意:如果需要
First, we added manipulators to the ends of the trail lines so that you can stretch them out to extend their beginning and terminating points. This is particularly helpful when you need to show an object moving through another object in an animation or in a Drawing view. To edit the length...