无法在Fusion 360中选择平面或曲面以开始创建新草图。 此外,在新画布中单击“草图”命令后: 平面不显示或亮显以供选择? 如果应单击区域平面,计算机会冻结,然后仅返回到先前状态而不启动草图?原因: 某些图元在“选择过滤器”设置中处于取消选择状态。 正在选择的曲面不平坦。...
问题: 用户注意到,在Fusion 360中的面上创建草图时,有时会从草图拉伸某些非预期的几何图元。 原因: Fusion 360在草图和面之间形成关系,以便以参数化方式重新生成设计并访问面具有的捕捉点。 解决方案: 要解决此问题,只需从偏移为0的面创建偏移构造...
适用于Fusion 360的Voronoi Sketch Generator 这是用于生成Voronoi图的加载项。 创建后,将Voronoi图插入到草图中,然后可用于创建或修改模型。 可以选择现有草图,草图轮廓或(XY,XZ,YZ)构造平面之一作为生成图的目标。 选择草图轮廓后,它将用于定义边界和剪切生成的图。 可以创建几种样式的Voronoi图。 图表中的每个单元...
Fusion 360 基本草图创建教程说明书 Lesson: Basic sketch creation Generative Design study’s starting shape by creating a sketch.Learning Objectives •Create a spline.•Use Intersect.•Use Project.•Create a linked dimension.The completed exercise Lesson: Basic sketch creation Page | 1 ...
在2023年3月产品更新后,Fusion 360 将不再完全支持下面列出的操作系统版本: Windows 8.1 Windows 10(版本 1803 或更低版本) macOS 10.15 (Catalina) 为了使我们能够继续开发 Fusion 360 以获得最新、最强大的功能,我们必须始终提供对早期操作系统版本的最新和最终支持。我们认识到,此...
Learn how to manage sketches for designs that have a large amount of sketch data Understand Fusion 360 splines and 3D sketching 讲师 JS Jeff Strater I have worked on Fusion 360 as a software architect and developer from the very start of the project, through all of its various...
I think you misunderstand, I AM dimensioning from what fusion calls the center of the circle. I had to create the center marks in a Drawing Sketch to make it work at all. What is more curious is I created a new drawing from the same components and it does NOT exhibit the same ...
*ARCHIVED - OUTDATED INTERFACE* Fusion 360 Tutorial: Sketch Move, Copy, and Scal1 0 2024-07-18 02:01:44 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~点赞 投币 收藏 分享 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdhVKDzxb9s 知识 设计·创意 设计 零基础 视频教程 教程 CC...
0 Learning Home Catalog Certification My dashboard Curated list About sketching in Fusion An introduction to the sketching user interface, how to create basic shapes and a base profile, and an introduction to the modify tools. Type: Tutorial ...
Hey everyone Welcome back to DesignEnginereed. Today we learn how to create a basic 2D sketch. Commands used in the tutorial: Lines, Circles, Dimension, Construction lines, Trim, and TangentStep 1: Was this tutorial useful? Like Details Skill level: Beginner Steps: 1 Created: October 17th,...