Fusion 360 is a CAD software that allows to create both parametric and direct modeling but did you know that it is possible to use it to create laser cut 3D objects? Indeed, thanks to the sketch base design, Fusion 360 has the functionalities to create DXF files that can be used for la...
The out-of-the-box setting for orbiting in Fusion 360 is Constrained Orbit. Which can make orbiting feel restrictive if you aren’t on top of your View Cube settings. The constrained orbit is locked to orbiting around the axis between the Top & Bottom planes of the View Cube. So essentia...
Q5. 如何在Object表面(平面/曲面)上刻字? 流程如下: 创建Sketch,在Sketch中创建需要刻的文字; 回到Design,使用CREATE里面的Emboss动作,这个函数同时适用平面/曲面。 具体操作可以参考下面这个视频。 Fusion 360 新功能 Emboss 曲面刻字从此易如反掌www.bilibili.com/s/video/BV1BK4y1v7hL...
When working with the loft command, it’s a best practice to break the object into sections that could be lofted individually. This will give you more control and make it easier to create guide rails, as they won’t have to touch as many profiles. Typically, when starting a new loft fr...
Autodesk Fusion 360 模型创建教程说明书 Lesson: Model c reation topics when modeling for Generative Design.Learning Objectives •Create a fully dimensioned and constrained sketch.•Create a 3D model using features.•Modify a model with fillets and chamfers.•Use surfaces to create or patch c...
Object Outputted指track是否上报决策模块。Potential Target Selection指是否进行目标选择而后直行纵向控制。 作者之后通过真实数据测试了跟车、超车、变道、急停、cut、拥堵场景下的启动刹停等场景,对比了有无错误数据管理模块下司机接管与驾驶不适的次数,结果发现其解决17处虚警问题。但是也有解决不掉的场景:Lidar进行护栏...
Fusion 360 browser. The next option you’ll see is the reduced type. Adaptive means that Fusion will adapt the surface triangles how it best fits the shapes or uniform will force them to all be uniform in shape and size. So for this complex object, I’ll leave it set to adaptive so ...
@todberic Could you try expanding the "Object to Cut" window and checking this box - is that the result you were looking for? Report 2 Likes Reply Message 6 of 6 todberic in reply to: todberic 07-21-2023 10:22 AM excellent, thanks for your help! Report 0 Likes Repl...
Your class project is to design a simple 3d object of your choice! This can be a functional object, an art object, or anything you want! Materials: Use Fusion 360 and its functions and features as learned in this course. I recommend: 2D Sketch Extrusion Revolve Holes Cutouts Getting St...
Lego Art Using Fusion 360: For this project, I decided to use Fusion 360's exploded view and drawing features to create 'assembly art'. Legos are in their best state when they are being assembled - when simple blocks begin to form more complex shapes an