問題: パーツを反転加工する場合、穴から2番目のセットアップを示すことが一般的です。 Fusion 360では、WCSを穴に位置合わせする必要があります。 解決策: WCSを位置合わせするには: リボンの[セットアップ] > [新規セットアップ]をクリックします。 [設定]ダイア...
Fusion 360でSTLモデルの重心を計算できません。 解決策: メッシュボディの重心を計算するには、ソリッドボディに変換します。次の記事の手順に従います。「Fusion 360 でメッシュをソリッド BRep に変換する方法」。ソリッド ボディに変換した後は...
Autodesk Fusion, formerly Fusion 360, is a platform for 3D CAD, modeling, manufacturing, industrial design, electronics, and mechanical engineering. Subscribe or download for free.
In this article, we will show you how you can export your 3D objects from Fusion 360 into a compatible file format for upload onto the Object Viewer app. You can also watch this video to see the export in progress. Follow these instructions to find out how to export your 3D object ...
This can be a functional object, an art object, or anything you want! Materials: Use Fusion 360 and its functions and features as learned in this course. I recommend: 2D Sketch Extrusion Revolve Holes Cutouts Getting Started: Review the first lessons (up to the design projects or even ...
如何使用Fusion 360 API进行参数化建模 步骤1:螺旋样条线 此步骤中使用的脚本是 SpiralSpline 和 SpiralSweepSolids ,可在此处找到https://github.com/sterlingcrispin/Fusion360API/ SpiralSpline .py 第一个草图是通过点创建API样本从Sketch样条线改编而来的,其想法是从像样条线这样的简单元素开始,并开始增加一些...
Autodesk Fusion 360 模型创建教程说明书 Lesson: Model c reation topics when modeling for Generative Design.Learning Objectives •Create a fully dimensioned and constrained sketch.•Create a 3D model using features.•Modify a model with fillets and chamfers.•Use surfaces to create or patch c...
Are you puzzled by strange Computer-Aided Design (CAD) terms or abbreviations? Are you looking for a Fusion 360 glossary that explains these Fusion 360 terms? Then you are in the right place! Product Design Online's Fusion 360 Glossary lists and explains
I am experiencing a bug that causes the browser to permanently disappear until the app is restarted. Try this: 1.) Open Fusion 360 on a Mac with 2
ui.messageBox("My sessionid is " + dataObject["sessionid"]) except: if ui: ui.messageBox('Failed:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc())) This what you get when running the code (if everything goes well): -Adam Posted at 03:20 PM inAdam,Fusion 360|Permalink|Comments (0) ...