在Fusion 360用户界面的左上角,可以切换各个团队中心。 另请参见:Fusion 360中的“加入团队”按钮不会创建Fusion Team中心 此信息是否有用? 是否需要帮助?请求助 Autodesk 助手! 助手可以帮助您找到答案或联系支持人员。 求助助手 您享有什么级别的支持? 不同的固定期限使用许可方案提供了...
登录Fusion 时,出现一个窗口,提示您将所有项目从个人中心转移到 Fusion Team 中心。进行转移后,所有项目似乎都丢失了。尝试在 Web 浏览器中打开个人中心时,它会不断崩溃/重新加载。 原因: 另一个电子邮件地址用于登录 Fusion 360,该电子邮件...
默认情况下,Fusion Team 允许项目参与者访问权限。从一开始确定是否不希望允许项目参与者访问权限。如果您在用户已作为项目参与者加入后禁止访问,他们将失去其项目的访问权限。如果您重新启用访问,他们将重新获得这些项目的访问权限。 那么,是否应该在 Fusion Team 上允许项目参与者呢? 大家需要考虑以下问题。如果对其中...
Reader:Viewer role + can open files in Fusion 360 but cannot save the files to this folder. But can use the Save As tool to save the files to a folder the member has Editor, Manager or Administrator role. Within the Fusion Team the members can also download, copy, and paste files. E...
Fusion 360 software installs and runs on Windows 10 and macOS, just like traditional applications. However, all of Fusion 360 software’s data is synchronized to the Autodesk Cloud, hosted on Amazon Cloud servers, which provides numerous data management benefits. Having a high-level under...
When I start Fusion 360, (this started yesterday) it tells me I have to join a team. There is no other option but to press next, and on the next page it tells me to either create a team or join a team. I already have a team (My personal team). The 'create team' button...
Fusion Team 管理员还可以授予访问项目的权限: 作为Fusion Team 管理员,当有人请求访问某个项目时,系统将会向您发送通知 通过 https://login.autodesk360.com 登录 在屏幕右上角,单击“警报”图标,如下图所示 查看访问请求 单击“批准”向请求授予访问权限,或者单击“拒绝”拒绝请求 授予访问项目的权限(仅限管理...
Autodesk Fusion Team 1-year subscription:Share, review, and manage design projects on any device, anywhere within a single platform. Learn more $195/year Add to cart Speak to an expert Connect with a representative to discuss Autodesk Fusion and find the solution that best fits your company’...
https://login.autodesk360.com/login/signup?product=fusion&edition=business Not sure you need to login into both but I did. I already had a team set up so didn't need to do that again. Once logged in I then rebooted my machine (Mac) and once booted Fusion 360 opened ri...
users to your subscription by using the in-app Subscribe command, or after subscribing by using our self-serve customer portal. All subscription fees will be combined into a single charge and invoice, so you will not have to worry about managing separate charges for every team member!