使用fuser命令结束一个文件的进程 有时我们想卸载某个目录时发现一直处于busy状态,自己又不知道是什么时候占用的这是就可以用fuser来把访问这个目录的用户踢掉,实现卸载的目的,条件要在管理员用户下执行 fuser -u 目录名 #查看那个用户在访问这个目录 例: fuser -uv /mnt 查看那个用户在访问/mnt fuser -kv /mnt...
``` fuser -kv test.txt ``` 这样就会强制终止正在使用test.txt文件的进程。需要注意的是,使用-k选项可能会导致数据丢失或进程崩溃,因此在使用时要慎重考虑。 除了查看和终止文件的进程外,fuser命令还可以用来查找占用整个文件系统的进程。例如,我们可以使用以下命令来查找哪个进程占用了/mnt目录: ``` fuser -m ...
In the fuser device, a charge decay 螖V at a moment 120 seconds after end of charging a surface of the surface layer to 1 kV is zero, and an electrostatic capacity per unit area C in a thickness direction of the fuser device is equal to or less than 3.30 pF/cm.Masaya SUZUKI...
Part Number : D00KUA001 , D00KV3001 Fit for these models : forBrother DCP-L2550DW, HL-L2350DW, HL-L2370DW,HL-L2370DW XL, HL-L2390DW, HL-L2395DW, MFC-L2690DW, MFC-L2710DW , MFC-L2730DW, MFC-L2750DW, MFC-L2750DW XL ...
FK-590 302KV93050 Price: $129.95 QuantityAmount 2 to 3$123.95 4 to 8$120.16 Dimensions: 8 x 16 Quantity Tell a Friend Product Description KyoceraFK590Fuser Unit New OEM is for the: FS-C2026MFP, FS-C2126MFP, FS-C2526MFP,FS-C2626MFP, FS-C5200DN, FS-C5250DN, FS-C5300DN, FS-...
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solution and 1.40 mL/hr for the sheath solution. Total amount of dispensed solution was 5 mL for the core and 10 mL for the sheath. A voltage of 20 kV was used during coaxial electrospinning and the distance between the co-axial nozzle and substrate was fixed at 15 cm. The resulting ...
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风电变压器保护熔断器 陕西希尔曼电器XRNT(G) 40.5KV 40A 31.5KA ¥ 1500.00 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 咨询底价 品牌: 法国溯高美 封装: 标准封装 批号: 21+ 数量: 10000 产品用途: 终端配电 价格说明 价格:商品在平台的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数...
Heat and pressure fusing apparatus for fixing toner images. The fusing apparatus is characterized by the separation of the heat and pressure functions such that the heat and pressure are effected at different locations on a thin flexible belt forming the toner contacting surface. A pressure roll ...