* filehandle in the fuse_file_info structure, which will be * passed to all file operations. Jun 5, 2015 Some flags and constants Jun 5, 2015 144 145 * * @see jnr.constants.platform.OpenFlags May 31, 2015 Some documentation May 31, 2015 ...
void(* fsync )(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t ino,intdatasync,structfuse_file_info *fi) void(* opendir )(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t ino,structfuse_file_info *fi) void(* readdir )(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t ino,size_tsize, off_t off,structfuse_file_info *fi) void(* releas...
The first parameter is the path of the file which the system asked SSFS for its attributes. The other parameter is the “stat” structure which must be filled with the attributes of that file. On success the return value must be 0, otherwise it is -1 and “errno” must be filled with...
In order to fix a memory leak in Container the pre-rooting structure was changed. Children of the container will not be children of the Subtree until rooted. It is not believed this will have any noticable effect; other features, like Trigger, also work this way. Gestures Extended the abili...
The structure of a .jar file that packages an extension is as follows: extension.jar | +- META-INF | | | +- syndesis | | | +- syndesis-extension-definition.json 1 | +- mycompany | | | +-project | | | +-YourClasses.class 2 | +- lib 3 | +-dependency1.jar | +...
* * This structure is created, when the root filesystem is mounted, and * is destroyed, when the client device is closed and the last * fuse_mount is destroyed.*/ struct fuse_conn { /** Lock protecting accessess to members of this structure */ ...
[img]http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-appfuse/project_directory_structure.jpg[/img] 这个目录结构与 Sun 为 Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition(J2EE)Web 应用程序推荐的目录结构非常类似。在 2.0 版本的 AppFuse 中,这个结构会变化成适合 Apache Maven 项目的标准目录结构(有关这两个目录介绍...
Directory structure The hello-paris-impl bundle has the following directory structure: hello-paris-impl/ | \--src/ | \--main/ || | \--java/ ||| | | \--org/fusesource/example/hello/paris/impl/ || | || \--HelloParisImpl.java || | \--resources/ || | \--OSGI-INF...
It is where non-UI structure should be resolved, like looking for the DataContext, a Navigation, or other semantic item. FindByType<T> : T uno FindNodeByName(Selector, Predicate<Node> (Node)) : Node uno Finds the first node with a given name that satisfies the given acceptor. The ...
memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st)); // structure not used. Zero everything.if (f4js_cmd.u.readdir.filler(f4js_cmd.u.readdir.buf, *av, &st, 0)) break; } } } sem_post(f4js.psem); NanReturnUndefined(); } // --- NAN_METHOD( StatfsCompletion ) { NanScope(); Proces...