5) blight and verticillium wilt 枯黄萎病 1. Cottonblight and verticillium wiltare primary disease in Chinese cotton areas. 棉花枯黄萎病是我国棉花最主要病害,洞庭湖区每年都有不同程度发生,其发病面积、病原菌种类增加,发病程度加重,枯黄萎病混合发生是当前枯黄萎病的发展趋势,病害仍是制约棉花生产的主要障碍之...
Verticillium wilt and Fusarium wilt, vascular diseases caused by the soil-borne fungal pathogens Verticillium dahliae and Fusarium oxysporumf.sp vasinfectum, respectively, are among the most important diseases of cotton (Gossypium spp. ), with the potential to cost the cotton industry millions of ...
Cotton diseases caused by soil-borne pathogenic fungi present a major constraint to cotton production not only in China but also worldwide. A long-term field inventory was made of the prevalence of Fusarium and Verticillium wilt of cotton in the Jiangsu
1. Inheritance of resistance to Fusarium wilt was analyzed by a complete diallel crossing among 6 inbred lines of winter melon. 利用6个不同抗性的冬瓜材料,采用完全双列杂交,研究了冬瓜枯萎病抗性遗传规律。更多例句>> 2) Fusarium and Verticillium wilt resistance 枯、黄萎病抗性 例句>> ...
Fungal disease is a major threat to both crop yields and global food security1–3. Fusarium wilt and Verticillium wilt, also known as vascular wilt, pose the largest threat of disease to most economically important crops, such as tomato and cotton. In particular, Verticillium wilt has been ...
Although conventional breeding is already being used to solve the problems related to cotton, there is a rampant reduction in the yield and quality of cotton due to insect pests and fungal pathogens. The diseases that pose the major threat to cotton production are Fusarium and Verticillium wilts....
株对棉花枯萎病菌和黄萎病菌的拮抗作用及其机制。结果表明,哈茨木霉 菌株与病菌 对峙培养以及在培养基中加入 菌株孢子悬浮液,对供试棉花枯、黄萎病菌均有较好的抑 制效果;但 菌株的代谢液对棉花黄萎病菌的抑制效果较差,对枯萎病菌几乎无抑制效 果;显微观察发现, 菌丝与枯、黄萎病菌的菌丝平行生长、产生附着胞结构...
1) Fusarium wilt 棉枯萎病1. Breeding and growing resistant cultivars are one of the economic and effective measures to control Fusarium wilt and Verticillium wilt. 建立了一套早期抗性鉴定技术,培育出高抗棉枯萎病抗源川52-128和川57-681、抗棉黄萎病多菌系抗源川737和川2802,育成的双抗品种川棉239...
Nov. and P. melonis: the principal causes of pistachio gummosis in Iran. Mycol Res 105(10):1166–1175 Article CAS Google Scholar Mohammadi AH, Haghdel M, Moghaddam MM, Banihashemi Z (2006) Current status of verticillium wilt disease of pistachio trees in Iran. Acta Hortic 726:631–636 ...
Related to fusarium wilt: Verticillium wiltGraphic Thesaurus 🔍 Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> wilt diseasewiltfusarium w... noun Words related to fusarium wilt nounwilt caused by fungi of the genus Fusarium Related Words wilt wilt disease Based on Word...