Power Supply/Consumption Current: FR-10: 12-24 VDC: 1.1-0.6 A This product may not be returned to the original point of purchase. Plea Furuno 10.4" Portrait-Style Radar, less antenna Model: FR10 Risk Visualizer is a unique feature that allows the navigator to see areas with a high risk...
FURUNO FR-CR1 长江一号船用雷达 天线 输出功率 6 kW 类型 型号 DRS6A X-Class: 横杆天线1255±10 mm (XN12A) 横杆天线1795±10 mm (XN13A) 频率9410 ± 30 MHz (X波段) 波束宽度 (水平) XN12A: 1.9° XN13A: 1.35° 波束宽度 (垂直) XN12A: 垂直22° XN13A: 垂直22° 量程范围 1/16, 1/8...
ARP11 10-Target Auto PlotterThe ARP11 is a 10-target auto plotter designed for use with NavNet and NavNet vx2, as well as the FR8002 Radar series. The ARP automatically tracks automatically or manually acquired radar targets and calculates their courses and speeds, indicating them by vectors....
FR2120 FR1505D FR1510D FR1520D FCR1400M3 FAR2115 FAR2125 FAR2815 FAR2825 FAR2817 FAR2827 FAR2117 FAR2127 未在以上型号的,只要认清马达上的型号D8G-516即可使用。 库存大量原装电机碳刷,部件号:008-485-360 请认准原装古野雷达电机。 玛琳斯船舶(MALINS MARINE)一直致力于为客户提供原装 /高 可靠的...
FURUNO 电子技术产品说明书 The future today with FURUNO's electronics technology.9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomiya City, Japan Phone: +81 (0)798 65-2111 Fax: +81 (0)798 65-4200, 66-4622 URL: www.furuno.co.jp Catalogue No. N-864 TRADE MARK REGISTERED MARCA REGISTRADA A utomatic I ...
TheLANcable(FR-FTPC-CY10,20,or30m)connectsbetweentheprocessorunitand thetransceiverunit.Cutarmorandoutervinylsheathasshownbelowandthenconnectthe modularconnectorMPS588-C(supplied)tobothends. 22530150 InnervinylsheathOutervinylsheathInnervinylsheath Armor PROCESSOR TRANSCEIVER(Clampbythecableclamp.) UNITSIDE ...
FR2120 FR1505D FR1510D FR1520D FCR1400M3 FAR2115 FAR2125 FAR2815 FAR2825 FAR2817 FAR2827 FAR2117 FAR2127 未在以上型号的,只要认清马达上的型号D8G-516即可使用。 库存大量原装电机碳刷,部件号:008-485-360 请认准原装古野雷达电机。 玛琳斯船舶(MALINS MARINE)一直致力于为客户提供原装 /高 可靠的...
发货地 上海 商品类型 交通运输 、 船舶专用配件 、 其他船舶专用配件 商品关键词 FurunoFR8255、 Radar、 Marine、 FR8255 商品图片 商品参数 品牌: Furuno 加工定制: 否 样品或现货: *** 是否标准件: 标准件 价格说明 价格:商品在平台的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可...