9.12.3Howtosendandreceiveplannedroutes9-26 9.13Reports9-27 10.USERCHARTS10-1 10.1Introduction10-1 10.1.1Objectsofusercharts10-1 10.2HowUserChartsareSynced10-2 10.3HowtoCreateaUserChart10-3 10.4HowtoEditObjectsonaUserChart10-7 10.5HowtoDeleteObjectsfromaUserChart10-8 ...
Gyro 3 COM error 26. What does the alert number 450 indicate? ( D ) a. Route: Illegal To WPT b. RADAR comm. error — 3 c. LAN adapter version error d. Heading sensor not available 27. What does the alert number 640 indicate? ( B ) a. Datum mismatch b. Chart align: Over...